STRAIGHTPATH July 26, 2011
OF YAMANI Continued...
By Fayez Al-Hakeem and Labbayk Ahmed
The Yamani has emerged. We call upon every man, and
woman, whose heart burns with the holy fire of love for
ALLAH(swt) to come forward and spread the good news of the
love and compassion of the one whom ALLAH has blessed.
These are the times that truly test the hearts of men. Have you
been tested? Have you had a vision of “THE ONE”? Are you
ready to put your love and your beliefs to practice? Join us
brothers and sisters, for the hand of GOD is poised to strike
fear into the hearts of the impure and unclean, and to lift up to
HIM those who love him with all their heart.
When we look at the attributes of the companions of
Mahdi in the Quran we find the following references:
1- {And We set between them and the cities that We
have blessed, cities apparent}[1]
The meant in this verse is nothing but the men whom
neither merchandise nor sale beguiles from remembrance of
Allah, the way meant in Al-Might’s saying: {And how many
cities revolted against the ordinance of its Lord and His
messengers, and We called it to a stern account and punished it
with dire punishment}
[2]; the meant here are the people in the city, not the walls.
So Allah says “We set apparent cities between you believers
and the blessed cities.”
Thus, the blessed cities are Muhammad and his Progeny
(a.s). Whereas the apparent cities are the elite saints of Allah
who are proof (Hujja) on people.
lamps of darkness , Allah will salvage them from every dire
darkened sedition)
As Ali ransoms them with his father, the guardian, (Abi
Talib) and his pure virtuous mother (Fatima the daughter of
Asad) who raised the Prophet Muhammad in her lap. The
Prophet (a.s) says that they are his brothers and favors them on
his chosen gracious companions who watered this religion by
their bloods. But those meant in this verse are the initial
comrades, which are the 313 who obtain revelations from the
Kingdom (Malakoot) of Allah in the true visions and know
some of the unseen by the permission of Allah. Some of them
have the rank of Prophecy, yet each of them by virtue to h