The Mahdi Times July 2011 | Page 27

STRAIGHTPATH July 26, 2011 27 {a party of those who have received the Scripture fling the Scripture of Allah behind their backs as if they knew not,}: Those are specifically some of the Shia scholars and their followers. And the Book they left behind their backs is the Qur’an; and Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s); and the narrations from the Infallible Ahlul Bayt; and the way pavers of Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s); and his dispatch to them. Because they disbelieved in the truth when it came to them; and said he is a magician, or an insane person, or he’s with Jinn. As if they don’t know that it is the truth from Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s).  {And follow that which the devils falsely related against the kingdom of Solomon}: Some of the Shia scholars who followed the path of the past nations and their accusations to the prophets and messengers (a.s). And said he’s from the Jinn (of the satans); and the reign of Solomon means the reign of Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s).  {Solomon disbelieved not; but the devils disbelieved}: and because Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s) is the Imam of the men and Jinn; he dispatches a Messenger to the men and Jinn. Therefore, just as how some men believe, some disbelieve, some are hypocrites and some believe then apostatise and so on and so forth…. It is the same for the Jinn; what can happen to them is what can happen to men. Just like the great matter of Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s); in which it represents the end of Iblis (l.a) and his army of satans from the men and Jinn. How can it not interfere with the cunning ones from the satans of Jinn and their deception, cunningness and declamation for the cause of Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s); which, in this time, represents the end of their entire falsehood?! Those are the companions of the Qa’im (a.s) and his supporters. Allah will strengthen them until they possess the east and the west of the earth with their master Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Mahdy (a.s); and Allah degrades by him every disbeliever, hypocrite and doubter.  {It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you}{17: 8): O Muslims, perhaps your Lord will have mercy upon you by following the Qa’im, and supporting him; and confessing that he is an Imam that should be obeyed; and paying allegiance to him; and becoming his supporter; and antagonising his enemy.  {Lo! this Qur'an guideth unto that which is straightest} {17: 9}: i.e. The preceded verses in Surat Al-Isra’a guides to righteousness; i.e. The right path; i.e. Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s).  {And gives tidings unto the believers who do good works that theirs will be a great reward}{17: 9}: And give glad tidings to the believers in the Qa’im (a.s) and the workers for his emergence. Hence the preparation for the uprising of the Qa’im (a.s) is the good deeds and the prayer; and it’s the best of work.  {And that those who believe not in the Hereafter, for them We have prepared a painful doom}{17: 9}: The hereafter is Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s) and way pavers for him (a.s); and it’s the Kingdom of Heavens and earth; and it’s the righteous vision of the believer; and it’s the nature of Allah that He created the men upon. And those who disbelieve in the hereafter are Kafir (disbeliever); even if they claimed to be Muslims.  As for the six-pointed star: it is from the Prophets’ inheritance that the Qa’im Muhammad bin Al-Hassan AlMahdy (a.s) inherited and it represents him (a.s); and means: the Victorious and Victorized. Indeed, the Zionist Jews stole ✡Some verses in (the Children of this star and adopted it as an emblem for them, and as a Israel) are specifically about the symbol for their wait to the promised global reformer; as in Muslims who oppressed their belief -as preceded- this is Prophet Elijah (a.s). Muhammad’s progeny (a.s): Whereas he who insults this star, and curses it, is like he who curses the words (Allahu Akbar) that Saddam, the unjust, The Al-Mighty said: {And We decreed for the Children of has put in the Iraq flag. Thus he will be of those who curse the Israel in the Scripture: Ye verily will work corruption in the inheritance of the Prophets (a.s). earth twice, and ye will become great tyrants. * So when the In fact, this star is the star of Al-Mahdy (a.s). [Verily it’s time for the first of the two came, We roused against you slaves reported from them (a.s): “If the banner of truth appeared, the of Ours of great might who ravaged (your) country, and it was people of the East and West will curse it.” a threat performed}{17: 4-5}.  So be cautious O believers, if the curse does not find a {And We decreed for the Children of Israel…….. and it position for itself, it will return to the one who said it; as was a threat performed}: mentioned by the Prophet (pbuh&f). The first corruption: from this nation was in killing Fatima  Thus David (a.s) is our David. And Solomon (a.s) is our and Imam Ali (a.s). And the second corruption: was in killing Solomon. And the temple is the temple of Us, the Muslims; not Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain (a.s). And the great tyrants: was the temple of the Zionist Jews who killed the Prophets and because of their violation against the sanctity of Al-Hussain Messengers. And the Holy Land is our Land; and we should (a.s); and the mutilating of his pure corpse; and placing his free it, and open it and raise the banner (There is no God but head over the tip of the spear. Whereas he is the fifth of the Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and Ali is people of Al-Kisa’a (Yamani Cloak); and the best of creation the Wali of Allah ) on it. after Muhammad, Ali, Fatima and Al-Hassan (a.s). {Lo! those of mankind who have the best claim to And the dispatc