The Mahdi Times July 2011 | Page 26

STRAIGHTPATH July 26, 2011 26 STAR OF DAVID By Labbayk Ahmed Most people do not realize the importance of the Star of David, but in fact some of them curse it considering it from the symbols of Satan and Zionism.  The hatred towards this star and the name “Israel” is believed to prevail when the Zionists invaded Palestine and occupied their land year 1947. As the six pointed star was adopted at the first Zionist congress in 1897, the first Zionist Congress was to have taken place in Munich, Germany.  So it is important to know that the word Israel is already mentioned in the Holy Books and it means “The Servant of Allah” (Arabic: Abdullah). Yet there are some Jews in the Holy Land from the descendants of Prophet Jacob (a.s); as he’s Abdullah and Israel, according to the Jews, as the converted Jew Rev, Mark Alterman states. As for the “Six-Pointed Star”, the Jews believe that the Star of David means the “Victorious” and that it’s a sign for the Prophet Elijah (a.s), the anticipated reformer according to them, who ascended before the dispatch of Jesus (a.s) a long time ago. Thus, they are waiting for his return. In the belief of Ansar AlImam Al-Mahdy, Prophet Elijah is one of the ministers of Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s) right now. As previously mentioned that Israel means Jacob, but in fact Israel means Abdullah, and means Muhammad (pbuh&f). Thus, the Children of Israel are the progeny of Muhammad (pbuh&f), and also their followers; therefore they are all the Muslims in general, as mentioned in the Koran. In the Tafseer of Ayyashy and others:[Reported from Haron bin Muhammad who said: I asked Abi Abdullah (a.s) about the Al-Mighty’s saying: {O Children of Israel}. He (a.s) said: “We are them specifically”. It’s reported in Sunnan Abi Dawood from the Prophet (pbuh&f) that he said: “I am Abdullah and my name is Ahmad; and I am Abdullah and my name is Israel. So whatever he’s commanded, I am commanded; and whatever concerns him, concerns me.” Tafseer of Ayyashi: Volume 1, page 44. of Allah behind their backs as if they knew not, * And follow that which the devils falsely related against the kingdom of Solomon. Solomon disbelieved not; but the devils disbelieved}{2: 101-202}. as they are the only Children of Israel. The Al-Mighty said:  {O Children of  {And when there cometh unto them Israel! Remember My bless wherewith I a messenger from Allah} i.e. A messenger blessed you and how I preferred you from Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s); because the upon (all) creatures. * And guard dispatch from Allah the Al-Mighty is (yourselves) against a day when no soul sealed after the dispatch of the perfect will in aught avail another, nor will man (Your word that is complete and compensation be accepted from it, nor Your words that you have favoured over will intercession be of use to it; nor will the worlds).  they be helped.} {The Holy Qur’an. 2: Those are Muhammad and his 122-123}. progeny and thus a new era began; which {O Children of Israel}: i.e. O is the dispatch from the Prophet Children of Muhammad (pbuh&f). Muhammad and his progeny (a.s).  {Remember My bless}: i.e. The As Muhammad’s progeny are bless of the Wilaya and Imamate, and messengers from Muhammad (pbuh&f), domination over all the worlds. they take the knowledge from him  {And how I preferred you upon (all) (pbuh&f) through revelations; or by the creatures}: i.e. By knowing Me (knowing angels; or directly from him (pbuh&f). Allah (swt) and knowing His names. Therefore, Prophet Muhammad  Thus it’s known that Muhammad (pbuh&f) is the sealer of the preceded and his progeny are preferred above all and the initiator of the upcoming. i.e. He the worlds, neither the Children of Jacob is the sealer of the dispatch from Allah nor anyone else are preferred above and the initiator of the dispatchment Muhammad’s progeny (a.s). from himself and his Progeny (a.s).  {And guard (yourselves) against a Thus it is proven according to the day}, the day is the day of death; as it’s Shia, that Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s) the only day that has no intercession. So, dispatched Muhammad bin Al-Hassan, there is no escape from the torture during the pure soul, to the people of Mecca death; except for he who consorted this fifteen days before his emergence; and world with his body, while his heart was then the people of Mecca killed him. So attached to the upper heaven. As he did if this dispatch was true, then the other not associate with this world by ropes and dispatches are true as well. hindrances that required cutting and {confirming that which they plucking out; which caused the torture. possess}: Of knowledge the Shia However, those that are saved from inherited from Ahlul Bait (a.s) that the the torture of the death are those Mahdy (a.s) is true; and that he rises with brought nigh. The Al-Mighty said: {Thus the sword, and that there is a presence of if he is of those brought nigh, * Then those who pave the way for him before breath of life, and plenty, and a Garden his emergence, to prepare the reign for of delight}{56: 88-89},  i.e. At the time him; and that he has a progeny; and after of death, and the masters of those him there are twelve Mahdies from his brought nigh are: Muhammad and his progeny. progeny (a.s). And that they, the Shia, are certain, based on narrations reported from them cleared of ✡Therefore, some verses (a.s), that ifit the land wassubsidedout its an Imam; would have by about (the Children of inhibitors. So after the murder -or as Israel) are specifically some believe, the death of Imam Alfor the Shia and the Shia Mahdy- by whom shall the earth stabilize scholars. if it was not by one of his sons; the The Al-Mighty said: