The Mahdi Times December Issue | Page 55

STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 55 there is anyone whose back I have hit, this is my back, here you may take revenge for it. And if I have taken anyone's money, this is my money. He may come and take it. And if I have harmed the reputation of anyone, I say that he may come and take revenge for it and none should say that he or she is scared that the Holy Prophet (s) may have malice for me, as to have malice for anyone does not befit me and neither is it from my manners and the best of you in my view is one who has some right upon me and he takes it from me and after that he forgives me so that when I meet my Creator I am not having anything upon my neck." By this command the Holy Prophet (s) explained justice and truth that no reformer in the world had ever done before because to give retaliation oneself so that one may leave the world in a way when one is not having anyone's right or consequences upon oneself. So a person came forward and said, "O The Messenger of Allah (s)! My three dirhams are with you." His Eminence said, "Though I am not falsifying you or asking you to swear for it, but tell me how you got three dirhams on me?" The man said, "Don't you recall that a beggar came begging to you and you told me to pay three dirhams from my pocket and I gave him?" His Eminence ordered Fadl to return his money and after that the Messenger of Allah (s) proceeded with this discourse and said. "O people, if anyone of you are having concealed wealth he or she may return it." So a man stood up towards His Eminence and said, "O Messenger of Allah (s)! I am having three dirhams that I had concealed with me and I did not spend them on the way of Allah." His Eminence asked, "Why have you kept them concealed?" "I needed them," he replied. The Messenger of Allah (s) told Fadl to take the money and he took it and after that His Eminence continued his discourse and said, "O People, if anyone of you feels anything, he may stand up so that I may pray for him from the Almighty." A man stood up and told His Eminence, "O Messenger of Allah (s)! I am a hypocrite and a liar, can I be reformed?" Umar chastised him and said, "Woe be unto you, O man! The Almighty has concealed you, why are you revealing yourself?" The Holy Prophet (s) told him, "O son of Khattab! Keep quiet, as the humiliation of the world is better than humiliation of the Hereafter." Then he prayed for man, "O Allah, grant him truth and faith and remove evils from him."[1] A man known by the name of Suwadeh bin Quays turned to the Holy Prophet (s) at the end of the meeting and said, "O Messenger of Allah (s)! You had hit my stomach with a whip and I would like to take revenge for it." The Holy Prophet (s) commanded Bilal to get a whip so that Suwadeh may take his revenge. Bilal was shocked, and he went to the lanes of Yathrib and yelled, "O people, allo