"What has Al-Hussain (a.s) presented in Karbala to prove
Yamani29 and Al-Qaim30 of Al-Muhammad (a.s) not
himself the
enough? Is the
knowledge or wisdom not enough? Isn't it enough that he is
the only one
Khalifah of Allah (s.w.t) in His land? Oh People have you
among all people of earth raising the banner of the
asked yourselves
Supremacy of Allah?
this question before you blindly follow the Clerics of
Isn't it enough that he is the only one a sign as clear as the
Misguidance with no
sun from Allah
consideration or pondering? What has
(s.w.t) ?
Al-Hussein (a.s) presented in Karbala? He presented the
After the Clerics of Misguidance had approved the banner
will of the
of the
messenger of Allah Muhammad (s.a.w.s) , which is in his
Supremacy of People and abandoned the banner of the
father Ali (a.s) , his
Supremacy of
brother Al Hassan , himself and his sons . He exhibited his
Allah there was no one left to raise the banner of the
knowledge and presented the banner of the Supremacy of
Supremacy of Allah
Allah (s.w.t)
other than the Man of T
ruth. This individuality expels any
which he alone carried in opposition to the banner of the
doubt or
Supremacy of
suspicion for the truth seeker as the earth is never free of
People, the banner carried by the opposing line which
ruth and T
opposed his
lies in the Supremacy of Allah.
grandfather, his father and his brother t before.
Haven't we presented today what Al-Hussain (a.s)
What else has Al-Hussain (a.s) presented? He presented
the visions26
presented in
Karbala from visions and revelations as proof in identifying
of his holy family and his companions and their
revelations27. He presented
the Man of
ruth? Is the recurrence of thousands of visions for people
the vision of Wahab Al-Nasrani who saw Jesus (a.s) urging
from different
him to follow and
countries not enough, visions showing the prophets,
support Al-Hussain (a.s) . He presented the revelation of
Al-Horr Al-Reyahi
Muhammad and his progeny (s.a.w.s) urging people to
who heard a voice promising him paradise as he departed
support the Man of
ruth Al-Yamani and Al-Qaim of Ahl Al-Bayt (a.s) ? Is the
Oh people what have we brought to you today? Have we
recurrence of
visions seen by the men and women who believe in Allah and
you an invented doctrine which wasn't brought by the
in Judgment
Day not enough?
successors, Messenger of Allah Muhammad (a.s) , Ali
Oh People could it be that you handed leadership over to
(a.s) ,
Al-Hassan (