The Mahdi Times December Issue | Page 54

THE TRAGEDY OF KARBALA December 2011 By: Aunslaught_ihd Bismillah Hir Rahman Irr Rahim Allahuma Swalle Alaa Muhammad Wa Aal-eMuhammad, Al Aimatan Wal Mahdiyeena Wa Sallima Tasleeman Katheera   The Tragedy of Karbala is undeniably the story that pulls the hearts and moves every true human being that Allah (s.w.r) has created. One who holds justice and has even the slightest tenderness in their heart cannot hear the story being recited without feeling grief due to the sacrifice of Imam Hussain Ibne-Ali (a.s). Imam Hussain Ibn-e-Ali (a.s) is the Spiritual Warrior who sacrificed all he had for the sake of Allah. The son of Bibi Fatima (s.a) went through pain for the sake of his Lord that cannot be imagined. The pure soul who had reached the maximum of love for Allah's sake towards the members of his family proved that his love was for the sake of Allah, by sacrificing his beloved family entirely to Allah (swt), the Creator of his family. For upholding the Supremacy of Allah and denying the supremacy of people, Maula Hussain (a.s) shed his blood on the sands of Karbala along with the blood of his loved ones, and not only that, but the women of the most honourable man's (Imam Hussain a.s) family were persecuted in this way by the enemies.  Curses be on the devils in the shape of men who committed the crime of harming Muhammad wa Aal-eMuhammad (a.s) at Karbala, of harming Hussain a.s at 54 Karbala. What do we learn from this great story? What did our Imam teach us by the Great Sacrifice? Indeed the banner of the Supremacy of Allah was held up high by the Event of Karbala and the fragrance of the blood of Hussain (a.s) has borne witness to this Divine Banner. The rejection of the supremacy of people, be they the evil scholars like Shimr Ibn-e-Jawshan, or be they the evil tyrants at the seat of power, like Yazid Ibn-e-Muwaviyah (Curses of Allah be on this soul), Hussain (a.s) has taught us to never accept oppression and to die for the Supremacy of God rather than live under the supremacy of creation.  The extent of the injustice done to our Imam (a.s) and the pure family of the Imam (a.s) will be understood to a greater extent after the value of justice is perceived through this beautiful and heart-wrenching story of the Prophet of Allah, Muhammad-e-Mustafa (peace of Allah be upon him and his family) in the last days he spent before his pure Shahadat:  The illness of the Holy Prophet (s) intensified and His Eminence was in severe pain so he called Fadl Ibn Abbas and said, "O Fadl! Hold my hand." Fadl held his hand and assisted him to mount the pulpit. The Prophet told Fadl to summon people for congregation prayers; Fadl announced this matter and people gathered. After that the Holy Prophet (s) said, "O People! My going away from you is near. And you would not see me among yourself at this place and in my place and I see that except for this if there is nothing for me. Thus if