THE MAGAZINE N.2 | Page 11

storia e futuro , tutela del valore e crescita , tradizione e innovazione , identità ed evoluzione . È tutto in queste ultime due parole il senso che attribuisco all ’ esperienza della quotazione : la forza dell ’ identità di un ’ azienda e la sua costante evoluzione .
Fundamentals , Ebit ( da ), Ratios , Roi , Cagr , Swot Analysis , Business Plan ... La strada di chi entra in Piazza Affari per restarci è lastricata di decine di espressioni , immancabilmente anglosassoni , inframmezzate da grafici e tabelle e tutte riassumibili in una parola : “ Finance ”. Non sono parole lontane da quelle che sta usando e che , soprattutto , Emma Villas utilizza da sempre ? Non commettiamo l ’ errore di scambiare il mezzo con il fine . La finanza per noi è uno degli strumenti necessari per realizzare la missione che ci siamo dati : essere
Tell us about your first day on the stock exchange : how did you feel ? On the day we were listed , as I entered Palazzo Mezzanotte , the headquarters of the Milan Stock Exchange , I was thinking about the history of the place . It is an occupational hazard , after all , thinking about the value of real estate … Joking aside , it is a building with an incomparable artistic heritage that is still recognised as the heart of Italian finance even today , in an age when everything is completely digitalised . Its historic rooms and spaces still reflect words and ideas that are so important for a company and for the economy : history and future , value preservation and growth , tradition and innovation , identity and evolution . These last two words really encompass the meaning I attach to the listing experience : the strength of a company ’ s identity and its constant evolution .
Fundamentals , EBIT ( DA ), Ratios , ROI , CAGR , Swot Analysis ,
Portovenere , Liguria
Business Plan … The road for those who enter Piazza degli Affari intending to stay there is paved with dozens of expressions , invariably of Anglo-Saxon origin , interspersed with graphs and tables and all summed up in one word : “ Finance ”. Are these words not very far removed from the ones you have been using and , above all , the ones Emma Villas has always used ? Let us not make the mistake of confusing the means with the end . For us , finance is one of the tools we need to achieve the mission we have set ourselves : to be people who work in the service of other people , in our case the owners who entrust their properties to us and the customers who use those properties . Our ultimate goal is to make sure that the quality of this service is continually improving . More than 20 years of experience in the sector have taught me that only quality wins , that only the quality of the work , and of the people who do it together , determines the success
Villa Ambra , Castelsardo , Sassari , Sardinia