The Legend of English 2019 The Legend of English 2019 | Page 17

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❖ Experience Points or XP are completely independent from the grade Category Grade is given ❖ Participation XP are obtained in the moment, if not given, you may claim them within the class they were earned ❖ Participation XP is saved in a your Stamp page, if the page is lost so are your points. ❖ Stamp page may be recorded in JAZ’s log at the end of 5XP Missions and Trials 90-98 3XP (Homework / Classwork) 80-89 2XP 70-79 1XP 99+ 30XP 90-98 20XP 80-89 10XP 70-79 5XP Boss Battles and Master Quests (Quizzes / Exams / Assignments) a term or when you suspect you can get Power Cards. ❖ Grade XP Award 99+ ❖ There are two types of XP: grade and participation ❖ Participation XP in stamps. Range is calculated as shown in the table _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________