The Legend of English 2019 The Legend of English 2019 | Page 18

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ✓ in XP helps you level up. Level requirements are your profile and you can check it any time. ✓ Your level will award you with a badge as a symbol of social status. coin and a ✓ There are 3 types of power cards Silver Power Cards, Gold Power Cards and Platinum Power Cards. ✓ Silver Power Cards and other items can bought or sold in the Item shop using coins. only be ✓ Platinum Power Cards can only be obtained through a trophy unlock or special mission. They cannot be traded. ✓ Power Cards allow you bend achieve unusual things for ✓ Silver Power Cards are sold for given randomly for cheaper. a price or ✓ Power cards can only be used in and with JAZ in the classroom JAZ’s ✓ Silver and Golden rules and a class. class Power cards m ay be traded between Warriors, but only for other cards, not for coins or anything else. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________