The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 8

111 1: I \ \D-,\\ O\I \ :"\ Lta fford.,h trt' Br.HH h 1 h _ , . t Uld to t '1 h 1 • lll<'lll Ill l 1 l' l lllll l ) ' . . f [ 'ttld'> \\ OOlt ll. of tl \ '' '''ml \~~ora~tto~l o .. h nH'tllbl r of thP , 0 1 1., :~oo, 1 at . ..1 ttrcul.•tWl :~t prc., • and th• nm.unut"r ' t { rf'C I OJ}\ • ' · :\ .\ t. retf'tvtns • h( 2 _ \Yom• 11 • .. 1 n ... utu tf' .... bcin,.,. r~:lllltt·d ) t ll~'r rntf'rt;ltnlll•llh .tr(' :-. . \ 1 '"P· ( in Ro• h~>'r .tnd Pt nn. ' \ . ltunl l nd r th;• .• u .. pill ' 0 ~ thf> ~\'~:~~~~~ ~~: '~ ~ will "uh·l 'ommillt'f' rlw nu• cdu.. t. ' luh h ~'> lw••n I I . t town ,1n < oun ' ' < t n< op tn o .tff I t " h eh ;tll me m hl r ... o f tiH• 0 for rnf'd ~ .. \ . L . n 'lt.t o r< , ,1[ o \l. d COJl\1', I· 11 , i . . 1 \ ] t .llll:\(. \11 . I Ion. \f. 1 rkc1 \.,frt< t. "ta fiord. Derb~ shire. o 111 11 f uu 1 011 mh(r" ... , ul.., a littlf' ~~~ • ount o t a 'ont ert · - .. ) hl'r• b"ing- fou r (If u ... • x L·11vl \ r m g-nJ.., in thf' \·illagt, wt• thou...:ht \\ r \\·.ould gl\~" i ll\ . r ntt"r- t innwnt bc for«" our number " rf'ducl'd h\ h.tlf. \\luch un fortunalf'h j ... -. hort l~ happt ning-. . 1Jw f'nt• rtainnlf'nt w.n in th~' -,cho. ·lr<)om. . dmttl.u\Ct' bf>ing- ' " · 6d • 1 ~. •d &I., an.d £3 , q... 6cl. w;t" nt up to tlw <\ \' thn Chtldr· n l- und ,h a , .. uft. The programme cons i~ted of "ong-. . and r ~"citationc:, chiefl\' humorouc;, nnd a pia> wnttr·n .-.. pcrially for thP. four by one of our number. The J •• ttcr W~> :tlr-•ach [X'rforw· d c;ur('( · ,fulh '\t a "UJII)( r g-h<>n hv the· ''lh~P to \\'Plcomr it-- r f'tunwpnr l uni h to r• ~iq , r th~>ir rr qw r ... mr·ntc; with· o ul p :H mr•nt of ~rl PX Ir:l f,., ; and it \\ n-; fu rthl·r d • id"<.. lo n ... k h,. ,Jqtwrt, r... to makP an app('a I f r Lh t• r<'IIUt t • f r. til f:Jrl" c; in thf' r:l""' of 'e:t<,Onal \\OrkPr._, 'J h ('() 0 1 ' I h(Jj')l' that 3Jl Who :lrl' in m\ .'\ ~' int• r. t •I in n ~rirulturt", or \\ho havP " ' I l't ll(l ll'i \\ llh I lUll In liff' \\ jfl intPrt :;f t hf'Ol- • •I\'£ in !h" \ ... O<'ntion b' ~'"' •n i ... intr thr ir loc-al m fl u( n 1 " .• n furth~'mn!X' of itc; a im... Th~> tPrm ... of fl1Ptn b• r"h'J;-4' · .1 \~>ar p:tid in .Hivanc,., or tel. ·' \\ "'- · p.ud qunrt,.r h· in advanr,._arf' rr rtain l\' not l.mrfl, n~o n Cambrid~e~hire Brancb. I lu f) rl{ 111i.ring "' 1 rr·f 1n i' \J r.., C rol , \\ ho \\ill I f' tl offi11'. r". Trintt\ <:;l rf'('t , \.amb 1 ; 0_g-,- ( n ·- ' nt ,.,Jdt" .. ), on Frid,l\·c; from ' ' to t C) • (' I 01 PI { • l' I ' " ' ' 'Ill ..,~llunln.., from to to .. o'cloc k ' I h llon c;.,, rr••f ·ll ,. ic; Mr.-::~ \'int. tr ( oll':'lf "h I -., f ' - { U • I • ( .. nn l ,,t rf ,, .,t \11 i\s~oclotion :it\\ I' l\ ill be i'lllertetl If recehed hefore the I tth of the · month. I O..J The .. Only Child." " W ll \T ? ry An ' onlv on<. •, 1 ah, •I\ s , <;Ot for ' on h.o- on<', • · .. 1 1 • ' ,, 0 I 1 l (' 1 10 '•. " "In ? " I dC'manded. w. " O h ' 1 don't know. ,\11 righ t gro\\ n u p, JX•rh.•r~. but w lwn they 're \\ 1 H 11 th, \ 'r 1 to ta lk to no one to phty " ith _., 0 lot~;.; ," 1 ,1, llo ona I .oncly ' '\o o ne to play wi th ·~ • · 1 turnf' bal'k, .tnt) triul 1 1 h•· g'l(' ) a nd gold \1 i I that hang') hr•t \\ < 1 " '''"rt, nn childhood , not ..,o mnnv H 'arc:; <{,., 1 a 1 1 llh <~otl \ nd, a ... th<' \ f' il t tlllf'd had<, 1 lookr·<~: y t ll,'' \vho watchcc:; l ttan la glide through t h~ \\' · )(! • 1111 ~, 01 \\ ho fimJ., th<> h ugh ing fa ('{' of 1 hr .. 'l l o;, • 1 •t•J . • " • r·r -nnt I na . . lung up through the dark ... u dau of th . lJn in tlw t O< k <.. S lw it is \vho roam s the wood c l~l Ro .... tlind, and who u •. ., in wai t for Wf' illth\ tr ". ~~:th ,, ith gallant R obi n Hood. Who ca n be •rh t hlul" "'~'. and dew-lade n grasc:;, with a wind' b~~~­ sng ... tratg-ht a croo.;s the m ~dow.., , a nd the wh ko WPtl~l to <·onqu<'r, in compan y with Galahad ~d 3 1\ n I\ .tlr, a nd all the r eo;t of the kn · g ht... of th~ I thlc R ound ? " ho i" it wllo "alks hand-in-ha nd with Pctrr P.ul 1 \\'ho i., it w ho finds the toad ~tool on whirh tlw nnh acrose:; a pine-wood, and turn, r .t< h .,lr plavrd ,.,.·ith t h~> moonb<-:tm<.. C'Vf"r sa~v thf' gos<,am<>r out of \\hid1 th1· JW\t court d rf'..,c; o f thl' fairv-qur·r·n will br m.tdf·, or h~> Hd 111 the roar of the> wind the foot~l~"fn c/ th~> g-obli n-elvr ... , as thcv tramped to war? • \ dP<.ire to pia\ " Red Indian<> " go"' un-a!'' 11('(1. ~ ·r h a ps, but \\ hat a <.plend td C'ompen..,~ltull to bP \\'rPckNJ on " Trf'a.;;ur(\ Island" in rompatll ' . I a. ·• ' w1th J un Jlawkin<>, from the ill-fated " H _lc;panto O r to tra mp thr h i ll' with .\la n Bre<"k Stl'wart, and D tvid Balfour ! . \ nd th a t a ppa n ·ntlv lonf'h walk bv • h e rt\ · rr '' not .,oJita n. for on thf' island do no't cc four !!r~" 1 · "a ll .. ~ nd four ::!'re\' tow<>rc:; " •trsr k nm\ for C'f'rta in th rt th ic; . • ~ t h f' \HV rt \ Pr ( I\ "ir which tlv· L ad\ of "hallot looked forth t~.~N' T tr1C'r•lot " ridP a mo nK the barley c:h«:'avec: It i-< a \\Orld of fa irit>c;, dazzling, brilliant! , I 10; n"t •• n \nd, nt thf' doc;r of dav, who t tat wa tlr lo\\', 1 " onh otH• '' wa<> <•vf•r htllf'd to <.IE'I'p ?Y 11 1'1 11 11~ .,oft voir£' of th(' Lad\ of ~ight in hPr tr:uhn~ ' o f "t:u<;? f Ion!.! .\11 thr·<-f' df'M , fa miliar friends h:wr t ~~~ d~' · , j nr •·· 'I hf•v " ,wPd " g-ood-bye " onf' ~up ·" j 1hin from I hP g'