The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 9

• \/11\', Jq2CJ 1'111 L \ '.1>~\\'0 \I \ :'\ Y The Krn..,in~rton Fairy in the Back y ard. OL '"ho h\it! near Gatd('ns. .tre u<-ed l'> (0 f •'ry wmuow, fur you know--don't ) > I bf . • ' u, Ill\ tle.u 1-who l:l::. ~'11. pl.l) 1ng m lhr> moonlig-ht whil•· you \\' 1 rt• ""I"''P· I o" Puck and p,. 3 , 1 • hlo ... on ~our vi-.iting lic;t kills tht• , , n.., 1 1 ,( , ou • wondPr •. • · · But (i,t• n to tlw ,(r,lflg'l• nur.11 I•· th,Jt h.~-. hup- fl' 111 d f.u • froJTl \\'ondt<1_. wiH·H• t h•, 1 ! 110 • 1 1,.. Ji 1 \I' rn f.uru• ... to LX' 1·x:ut, 111 .t hPn- .. 1 rat, h·cl h 11 k. ,,11 d in th.1t dull disttirt \\ith th1 pltnd:d O rirnt. 1 1 ;1,11111' of th~ Elt>phant and C.htl•. 1 t ;, not '' ni<'e b<.~ck\ard. Even th,. o::, r.t"g'' ~.{ill~' r , .tt '' ho phllo...,ophi ... e ... on th1 du,t-l•lll kn~'"' tho~t Pr•opl•• in thP tr:•in, that !>''" b\ 1 , 1 n • • • 1 nimtt•· r~rr~ awa) nn ampr• -. ... wn of a b.u k\ , 1 rd "hkh no hod) lo'l: e,.,; ,, ... t.llll~·d-dm, n p.ttt h. , ( t..arr<'n < arlh, hauntt>d ll\ di ... illu ... iorl!d Buft Orp ng. ton,, .tnd cont.uning rf'VI'IatiOJh in tht h 1111 or ,,,t,hing flapping on a JinP. But [,ht night thC'r<. <'.tlllf tn th.., dr·th \\ ildr·rn ... :t ... ih·r r fair~. \\ith thf' 'P" Jt of ( tt rnal b(:nut) ... hinin ~ in hPr f'\f'.., "'h,. \V" "o 1 Olll(>ft•tf'J~ perfet l Ill { \("r\ JitH' Of lwr ..,,, ift, gla<.l grace, that it .dmo,t hurt to look at hf'r. I' rh.'P' . . }w had lo-,t h• r Wet) in tit•• dark ; pt·rhap-. 'ht• had < tlllW hf'-,t• thildren lin• rn the hou'l' \\htn• it i~ alwa~:-. \\..l-.hang u.t~. 'I mu.,t be ... o, bl'•· tht''~' ehilua•·n awakf·n•·d and f< lt that -.onwthang wond{'rful had •·nnH to tht ir \\JildO\\ in tht' night I ht \ (>P'<'pt>d through and ... a\\ lh '->ll\<•r F.1in·, all ... pangl~'' and \\ httt· light, standrng right in thC' I'< ntrc of the hen--.tratchNI \':trd, ju .. t a ... th1• Fail) QuC'rn ... t.Hl .\nd tht'y were a lmo't fright- r llf'd, and (·ould onh hold h.tnd.., 1 h 1 , • • morm?g- , • UO lUTIH·d tfw ',1lver) l olll) into n gltttt nog- th111g of \\Ondt•r. \11 tlw {)f'oplt• \\ 11h1n 1 '\r•,h(• 111, \\ j,h, d ..,h, had t()JlW tu th< 111 • \fr, B_rown •. h •• nging out th(' \\ot ... hing 1\\o doers 1) • <,.tlltl''tllll-- tout lwd l)\ tht t·.H h ... un 111d h•·r ff't'l 111 , ·whitl' rni~t I h• ging<·r toll'-. t•Vil hNlrt \\ ,...., ,oftt Jlt•d ,\._ hr K 1/f'cl .ll hf'r. T h·· rhildr<'n approntH h tlung . . do 11111 h tppt n oflt n in thb•' h.H k- ' .arck \ (C'\\ of tht' --p.tnl{lt• ... fpiJ f ron1 h, r dn'"· ,tnd th4•\ pi~ kt d tlwm up 111 tlwir g-rubln h.tnd .... 111d lo