The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 7

National Association of Landswomen. Patroness : H.R.H. PRINCESS MARY. Association News. "'111:. ' \.L. lw .. lllr' tiU<.Ill, nnu 1 t IJ,,., L:~., 'tortun.tlt• ''tHJugh to 1.u:ur~ ,, ll<,n. re,, urcr \lr c. J\d,.ltrH', the Ch;urmart tJ( thf• Royal i\~ri­ , ,;ural !)odt ty. Both Lord Lt e and L(Jrd Fr11lc ; \ . 1• "·"PH , ,, d ltwir williugnc to becom~;: Vie 10. ul,nt<;, and l>f•V< raJ othr·r •griculturali:.t' rntn 1 ~;,. nd \\Oilll'll tll t bdng .t.I 1\.A.L. h; a< ting a'> Vir ~-Prr .. id, n:s. \ "P' t ial 1 op) of tlw l'rop.l~Mlda 1 1 .tllet i'!> L1 ing J.ll r (trNI ~ith ftf\ ,tttr.tcth•t \\O()(l nl and 'J rt•.t .. un r. llw ('ornmitlct• ff'f·ls that at 1-. lnlJ)()rlc.tnl to r.ei r• u 1 unsidt•l nblt· fund fot work • .at h•·adqu.Jrtrr ... 1nd 111 kPr p it a" .t. rc-.t·r.vf' that bt· dr.1wn upon i1~ t•,,..,,. of t•ml'rgl ne lf·s. J h< appt·al \\ 111 not b" madt· 1n th,. < uuntw~ .b thi., would intt•rfcn• with fund., ht int! ... t·.... Later the countif"S \\.Ill ht• , 1 uh• to ha' e a cut.lin numb(•r of thh!' "~P~'~"'·'' kalll't-. for th •ir own u-se I he wording i ... tlw ... un,. a., on the l'roping prf•par ed and, it j, hoped. will '!)on Ill' rt'.t(h·. ' I ht \ wi ll be ... uld to thf' brandw.... but it IM.., b."f n de lt.ded after all not to a'k t hr \lini .. tr) of \aricultun for thE' stod' of armlet .. "" it \\,t., fplt that the•w WE'rt- rNtlh g \ < n for \\ ar ::.H\ C~' :tnd should not ~ used now. . Rl' ... olution., havf' been pa .. sed both b) the Com- milt<'f• of thc:> ~. \ .L and thP ~Mional Fed,.ration uf \\·omen' ... ln">titutes urging the 1ounty br.tnn ,tnd th .. (OUnt\· F<·d(•ratH)n of \\"omPn ' l> In-.titutf"., tu < O· ''l)('r<' ablf' to wo1 k togcthf'r 'C'n <.Joc;,-h. , \., i-. aln•ad\' k nown to thr brandl<·', tlw ( Olll· mittPP hdt"ration' ..,h ould b<' l'onc;ultf'd Both bocht'' f1·rl thnt 1t i-. o f thf' utm o . . t Jmpor tnnc(" that "'?nwn 'hould be' ud<>qu.tteh rep rt"'t ntt.'d on all C"omnuttf't'" nnd C)ub-C'ummlttt·f" .. , and qrongh ad,·'::.P th4" ~ount' br •nchf'" to prP'' thr m'ttt' r in 4'W·ry wa\. Jl0"."' 1 hh' The X \ I . C'onvnittef' h , ... bf'Pn ron-. dr~Jntr th." uurst1on of ..,,<·k bent fit and <'O-operatJon. "•th .Htn· nth Fricndh c;ocit"ticc;. T ht quc:>c;tion •' ~~ Vltl\lh important ont>, a nd b r istle<; w ith ditlkullH·'· . a~~ th!' C'ommitt•'e ha' bE>t>n un~hll' to ('()me to t\ detull t rondusion a ... , t>t and h:t.;; d«'tt rminE"d to hI \'I' all- 111 !d., this 1 ul•• for lht>rnsr (.,,.._, , nt.l th•· C•munittC"<' feds thctt th i bl'ing thf· c a~ there .hfltlicJ J,l• 001• W 01 ral rUJt•, tl If tht> .. llllC fUV..! •PI'lir> 'Hr) whrre it works out quttc fu1rly in th~ t'Ofl. \{t,o.;t vf th~ t(JIIIll\ l.lntndtc.., hn\~ untl< rt.•k"n to .~.,j.,t tlu~ir rnt•ml.x·r~ ttJ find uitable employnH•nt, ·•nd -.omP. of thf·m ar1• t..'h:1rging fl'ec; \\ lwn employ- lilt nt i found. 'I hP Committ~ r• comnwrwls th:u WhPrt V1·r f, rs arP c.h:JrgP-d 5"'· ... hould be a k,.d from rht , mplo)r•r whPn a uit Jbl" Plllpluye<> he~ been found fiJI "im, but that th1• mem~·r, thl'm-,,.ht~ should not fJ, , harged a fcf'!, though it would b" perfr~tl~ fair If an} coun1y likNI to chargt 1 .... to 1 o,.,.r r•.xtx n~:o. •>f postage an I'OiliH'< tion with placing, us in many c ,ht .. a grf'.tt m.m.,. lett1 rs hav .. to be written before .1 ... uitable post is found. \ lettrr i~ now ~in~ "~'nt to the- branr.hrs a ... k. incr for detui. d information with regarrl tu fund ~ arrangPml'nts, ... pecial h~>nefits, Pte., and :tb? as k' tng thP prP!>cnt mcmLf'r..,hip of each hrilnch ; •w 1t should lw po~siblc to giv<' tht· total ml'mbr•r ... h•p of th<' ,\<,..,odation in thl' nl'xt isc;uc:> of L.\~oswoMAN . Staffordshi re Branch. lnf'Pting of th.- hxt rutn.~> Comntittee of t~f' ~taffurd,h i re Branch of th• '\.A.L. \\'3" h<'ld an '-.tafford on February 2 t, "· hPn a Selt et ion Ro lrd wa-. appointc d to consider appltcatiom. for mrmber- .. hip of the Association. . . • . 11wrt· are now 246 memhl'r., 10 the cvu,nt\ .• fl~e\ are :t<:kf'd to note tha• thr .,l'rond quartr r ., ... uh..,cn r- tion '' now due. \ I m ordt>rs for outfit, h:tvf' been 4>X~'cutr•d "am. pk... of rnch an liP for ..,,,J~ may be .,l'f•n 'lt t I. \{at k1 r • tr~ t, "rafford. Don. 1 tion... '\nd 'ub<:.c riptwrl'. ~mJOunt in~ to o, • .,, ~· 10 :, h,l\'f' bE'f'n r('(~>•v<>mhf'r... an• pi r -d 10 work frN' of 'hnr~l' ; 1"111 • plo' er... nn.• l hnrgl'd a booktn~-fpp of 4"' p<>r work r . Tht \\omfn' .... \ g-rHultur::tl C..,uh-C'omm . l•f' tfl' . k'nnl "- nt·r' of tha • , ' . · \ l ' (F:~- •· L \ \ . S ) lff' rnl,.nnJ::" for , xaminntinn' •n ronnf'rti.on ".ith thl' n of t(IUilt' ("ouncil ~<'holaro;hip<:: tn dntry work 9 K•n~- ... ton ('ollr~l'. l'hc- .;,t.ttlord<:.hirt' Countv . sh~t of 1utt L.\!'PS· i-. now b;>in:H' c;ub-C"ommitttof'. Thf' ohject' \ omen 'c; • \•-rriruhurat' ..... ..t t' k th all f t hi - paper a H' t" o-fol~ . to '" to~e f'r ' 0 ' in thf' promotion of rural df:wlop- wonlf'n 'nt,ur"'c:t:..t I I"'U • , to~~ nv•an.;; of c:p}f~"tprE'c:"•on t" \\(lmf'o mront. an d f P"'a~"' J' . in rural arf'a"-. \ (ar~P part () Jt.;; .._ i~\ ~~~~r~for~ d~" otro to th,. \V omen ' s Inc:titut~ \ [o\I•- \ H#! r J01 -