The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 6

Mav Jl 1111 J.\~ 1>\\\ ()\t\ ~ ri041 I ,.,1t to g~"l 011. t l UT\ \ lllg th• t::lrl~. r I I I fi w tiny" fl() '\ h k .. 111'> tfl urVIV~' l 1• 'r" I I 0\ I I k J'• I h IJ' 0111 lllig"h\ I 0\1111 Wl( 1 Ill till' hhW \\•·• • I th I ot fourth \\f't•IL ' ' I t l rt Ill \ hO 11 I If' Ill hit k~ f.: J'U I h• c:lll 111111 l\ ( \I\ po Ol h 0 ~ \ 1 t I tllll ' Ol ' f ' • nruhatrd \0\1 11HI~ n " j 11 . 1 woJHkr- h:tt1 h ''"t roll! too •·gK~ 1 .,,n \\tlh t f\11111\ 1)0 thl flt'\ ( 1 ,1\' W I • • ' ful brood." I hi' onu '' upon tb• r ·~~· I<• n·r' ·~rt r I d io< rJ.,wffs clurlfl~ t!H h!"' I ' P 0 \lll f n 1\ , trf \l.tny hnil till 1 ~~.., h" I, I'll I JHI h •P" tl , .. hrttl r to lx n_t th~m IIJI r.l\\' .tnd "'" in th tl ... , ,,,., ht in~ nwrl' dtl.!''''lhh dl th rnf1 r11l• Pg'g'' front thf' inn1b.11or or !.to •tlit·., nul u tlwr 1 up fM tht> chid,., \.,t,d~· hrf',HI t':\11 Ill'\( ht g-1.11• . 1 hi(; rnn hr th on for tht· lrr-t two d.,, ... , httin~ givl"n t VI n two hour .... On thP thud d 1\ ~>IH' 1 111 rh n.·• thr m.t h to ... ,·: ldf'd !. 't uit tit iN( off with <:; r "'~'" ~round ont ... or • 1ltllo I, \\ 1tlr hr .u! , rumh., ul '-f'Hnth d" I ltkt to bring in two lW nl, daih uf drv rhick "'h IJy \VI'tght tll;ty 1}1• tlw • 1111 f th,. . I J f . t I. • ()lJ , , I ( ( Ill• ne• () w1t 1. pn· ••1 o vt• ll ~ tng a!, 0111 Jilt ') )Jt l ( ~ "ht•rt 1 hn young •l• T'> an• t h r<' f' lllCr r1 nt. 11 ~ 011 , 1 •I ~· 111 to • g iv1 tlu m on .tltr rnat<• I' I ht .Jdd t'(:•et, and lrP. fl r thh orH f r t 1 fn,tll tn " J>l':t" :111 <1 hf':tth, Whll h eo-day IHf"' of dm1htful f 1 ing- v.1h11' K ihhlf'd wh<'at tnd gtoae ... (hulh d 0 ;;: o1tm~al , <:lnan .,,.,.d . hucl,:\\ht .lt i h 1 1111) ),I . 1 an• I I H' . 111g-1 c• d' t<'nh eo U'>P, ' hut in lhr " If .ttHl hn..;•·cc . d . . f . ~,. d '' o.; tt pa\.; to ll'.,f' a r <'.t \' rllJ:\lUrr 1 Jt j., ft<'f' frn 111 JW·'" :~ncl he 1n' .tnd t hf' hundrNI n~d one odd poistlll· !Ill' Wild 'il Id<:. \ OU lllll't kf't [) ( htCk<; acti\'(' and fit and ) ou wi ll ra kf"' all '<'t'd!> into th<" litter to mnk~ tJu 11 'iC r,\(f'h for P V('rY gratn. If ::1 fO "-It•r-moth<>r j, 111 u-.1' dw flu\lr o f t h~> <.l<'cping compartmr nt -;hould h.l\1' a two-iru h d r pth of granulatc·d J.>(' a d<'pth of four i nr h<'' or , 0 in tlw ..... , ond rompnt t m~> nt of thC' fo ... tf'r·mother n,. providing t xt>n i-.1• \'Ou kt"1 ·p thl" <'hit k ... nctivt and "'Jlll~htl~-. pn-.uring )}I'Op<'r < irntlntion of th<' blood .111<1 m·tint.tini ng a eh ·an bill of h('alth. (Contmu cd on Page 1 14.) ..t. Ft{'m tl ~" l'('t ncl \\t'('k , no hould brin~ in bran ,lfld middlin~, tn " fill up," u . . • ~ h'~ uit f"i: ~rountl 1111~ tl ,1nrl "u o. ''or, .11· tl a... th<' b ..... i... 1ll• r- n ''' h, th' 11 In (>n<:urin~ \,ui I\ .111rl :t pl<:htnl 1h1ng-• f rom thr> <'nd \\I' k, too, o 1<' -.hould pro- ' d m 1 h .tnd ... <"''' (..,n, tll < h:t k ~r.tin .. ) lit rn lit h throu hout tl ~ d I\ I 1111 h 'v·. PI thOIJpl>d ~r••f'nfocd. of the «nr..,.. <'abb,t ~l· kin and fi tlf' to ·~· th~ d",. rdt>r- • I ' tn )!1'\(> «'0 r ... j> t J t~ c ;eke th,.. ~ f~"~>t ' • a !':'lOn~h o!d ._,.., __ :J'Id 10~ nN!d ~cr P,. • \ [" Da,ly Sketch.'' Pho~. ]an Smith, Edinbl~'gh.) ·• B•rtlu.-On ! larch 9, at the Zoo, Edinburgh, to Mr. and Mu . Camtt-a son.·· Isn' t be Hke bis mGther?