The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 5

- Hoy, rcpo TilE L .\\lh\\tJ\1 ', . Poultry Notes. By W. PoweU-Owen, F.B.S.A .. \ '\ \ M '''wHir-r \\h) it ,.., thnsf\ Jn4"thvcl.., dwkrn-n·.uing dforl!,. 'lh1· )oung (hi \\ ith 111 orlnlil) ptal•· ;tn ~urvival of the: lith'"(." I am not \\ tth thi•Jn in ('lltlr+ l) bt I cllhl' dt ; 1 -.ti< r u!f·.., will !>ee }OU with a h:uHJful onl) ,,f < lti( k.., I! ft out of a larg" brood. Fir ... t of all, 1 bf'li!•V<· in \V('(•drng out th1• Wf•akling.., b~>r:nt~ -.(,.,n,·r or lntE'r th<·'i(• mu!:.t ful att('nl ion. At hatth ing-time 11ny d1•formc d <1r w•·.tk chick" I prc-fc r to kill a~ my own nnd•·ring 11f th1· 1. 1,.., of " the -.urvival of the fittr-.t." .\ftt>r that I tn to rear every on(·, knO\\ing fully w 11 I ~till, 11 )u-.t lo-.c a few b} ae·cid 1 nts and oth<·rwi-.C'. I tn to kE'<:-p mortality as low as po&.ible by common- <:> .-1 he fir,t le.,~on t o I• arn j.., not to f, t:l httk-. too t>arh after h.tlchmg. :\aturc prm Hit-. fo<•'l for th• eh id-:- rn th,. r< maintl into th"" hod~ ju-.t ~·furr> ~ho litliP on,.. f' lll"l'!{• .. irom th · ~hrll. Rough!) ... peaktn~, : olk Jlrfl\'id,.. ... food for <.jUit" Jh to 4X hour~ :tfl• r hat• hing--out tim,., .tnry unwbc is it, too, to O\<•rt.J:-c th" digt<,livP ~'"m during th(' fir.-.t \\ f'f k ll\' pro\·iding indig~>..,tibl~· fOOal ,~no thr lik,.. (f \ou do the ... amP ill n-· ... ult ... follow, 10 that tht• protl·~._ of ~tlhOrbing thP )Olk intO the. dig;•-.ti~l' ""'t•·m -.t<'J" and d#>alh ('OSUt>-. . UntP .... ._ th1' ) olk ts g-h·• n a l'll.ln<' f> to " mt>lt awa) " ~ ou will not ;avr thf> •·hit k . 'I hi-. j.., th1• rra..;on why so many clm·k.;• hin~ out bdon• thr·ir time fail to sun·ive bc)-/ , • - , '--,r )• ' '-"'- / .- \ ' ..._.~,. • ' ' • ' - - • I /• ' ( / I I • , / r I • • r ' ' R I· \.. D " l ) • • \I C " ·'"\) B ;\ !{) : " D0n 't l"' fri htPn('d, Dctdth ; .. hr '11 only pt.d, =' o~tr lf'g... . " g [Reproduced lry .~fl!< wl pamr.\.HOn of tJre Propru h1r~ uf l'wul,,"\ CIIOH\''> 01 Cll1J,})RJ ... (10 'PARR'\T, 1.\'TI! LtRPT -COT •. , • 101