The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 4

P L \ ~ ·1s rna _ \ bt> put ~tt · <.1 ~~-- '" , <:.t 1 < • . . 01 1 1 " t ranium..,, lo )( J.t ... , an \(· r~nas lat<· in H arl}, tho~l I " ' h !r thl '~·f•.tf r h<>ul<[ [>(. tru \\d , a nd . r<' plant<•d, WtJI bloom 1x autifull: l<:d, folltw., ing Sp1 tng. ) the " ""~' H Pr ,._ whi~ h ~lr<> 4 in che.., high .,hculu h 1" i~~D . . ud ... " pla~cd to them for <:,upport. T~~~ ... hn th- th<:re Ut C(. -.~• ·on ··lll throu~h the • ( AHROt<.. -S<>wn n , . look out for l•trrot mont h : th .ln 4'arlt< r -.ow•ng' the mo ot ..-r .. - a t, _ uld be d for the fir ... t ( 1 1 r.R\ .~ french!'~ ..,ho hf' foot wid1· and d \ c u c.lll 11 l'• '~ " 0\\.' an ~; :ul~ -.on Jor t.l l l. I ... ow- 1 1 h th< mcnth . '.M ' o.,(>W c'Oiltinu ... t f~·nportant. · · Ll't p .t f . ~k t tnd " Ill\ he-. .tp.•rl ,llld (he•\ the t wo rO\\' <> -.(I{ .., ' • " 1 I -.lw uld I(' ,,bout di ... rancC' .tw~'Y f~om •·~t{ 1 ot wr put th(· ... ti< J,;... Jn tirmh. aftc>r ,I . m t h f'Jt' n)\\., ; h l . o nd ~'> 1 1 "howu, o r thorough Wrtrth up " .-.n P tnh ' • • Jt h' 1 .rh . plant un><·rb lx·t \\ • t·n re l"f w-. <' ,., in for \\ int< r cu tti ng wh<'n pot.tiO< ' .tr{ . 1 l · Lt. I TL ' < 1 -'>nw <"on t in u ::~l .,mall ,0\\IOg-. on .1 11) I ' ,., I Or<< r • \CH.-Sow <'On tinua' l) throug hout th<' month. R \ PI'- 11 ~0\\' <'Onti nunl ~m all <;<>Wing, of the<;(', ._,. 1.., To.\1, rm .., mu-.t haVt r<'gular Htt(·nt i<•n a-. to Wt not -, uff•'r from k of r~ >t ".ltt." nng . hut 111 H·r ,td . \\ 1\IIl{ ( ~~, , ~.., ... •,~uld b•· thinntd , .md nur .... <'l') l~t'<( ... m td• , , I uing pklnh ou t 1 to 4 irH IH., .tpat t. FRUIT \\hi .... hnuld now b<• \\f· llin~ tl11 ir frui t, .111d a mul:-;s nHhl 1)1• if·rt ili""·cl 11\ h J,. di\ id d .me! pl;rn( ( d C1T , ()( d 1 IIW r one b) on<' I rl'mbling, C~hill~, a-tip-toe 'itand On li ttl<' hillock-; a nd knolls alon(', \\'a tchful picket... that wave a hand Fer "ignal 'iUre that the snow is gorw. Bu t I 1 hink perhap.,; the TuLIP has a mor<.: <·xciting hi-.ton . llow beautiful are the belts of ~lav-tlowering tuli p-,. 'llw lovely Clara Butt varidies ar<' JWrhap~ tlw 1110 '-t lovelv of all. r should advise, if vou r('alh " .til t t~ grow· good tulip::>, to geL th~ buib<; dir~t fro m Holland. 1 am not a believ~ in honw-grown hu ll>-;. The} n<•ver get the proper amount of har- \(• ... un g-- the weather i~ too uncert.lin . Plant thr~ Lul l>-. in ~OvPrnber, and plant 3 or 4 inch<''> ((1-ep. J u-.t hdorC' th<') tlowc·r in .\ pril, when the bud ... arr \ i .. iblt>, ... rrinklc a little Canar) Cuano .troun<.l ('~lth l>u lb and lightly prick it in with a small fork, betng u trc•:ur no t to injure the plant. Turke) has made the tulip the subj(.'Cl of an ~a nnual fes ti\al · I and I indeed • thc sight of • a grc.H I tulip g<~rd<·n, glowing like s tained gla~-.. JS wort' g oing to sef'. I n the Spring we wait that upru .. h o f <·olour fr<>m tlw earth and wh<'n rh<> -,now., arth and skv <;Oft<'n with th<• hr"t r.un,, ~ • . h . to ,,c think of the ..;rason-myt h of his, urr~~~~~ ·I I help tlw llo1 u., ~'" he lay \V'Ound<•d on the• hattkh; ( It w.t n biNtk and wintrv plain wlw•e !h<' g?side h11n and V< rll<' . · • · 1 Oo\\ rr- l1·ar . . , Nt<'h dr-op rose' from th<> e>nrt I 1 agn111, a l><'a ul iful tulip flowN. . . . l\·r<.i. 1n Tlw PPr . . ian :-,wnin !!iV(·:-, n tulip [1t 1.., thr d I" " h. 1 0.· 1 0\'t' ,. " lht Hh.1n (tw ban) that namv-<' flam~~ lik<>- ir... rolou; •• uH tlw h<·,t rt j..., r h.1rred to a <'Oal b,· it:-. f<•rodt) • JU't ~., llo w•·r 's b. 1St' "ho\\.., blad<. for h•' 1 ( ;( ratd(' <>b"('f\(''i the r>lant mer<'" r<•\f'TI ' 111 \ (llt' h mainl.lith that it j.., th<' " Iilv of th<• fi< Id '' that - not 1with4•r ... pins. I • • i 1 (Continued ou Page 1 IJ .)