The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 3

• llay. 1920 fHE L\"DC..\\0\t\': pl.1nls Parly, whil~ they are still wet wuh dr·w and , 1 g ain i~ tl.te evenmg aft(•r tPa when the night 'd .. , re b<·gtnmng to fall. ew~ 1 Vapo~t~ or ~terol~ will reduce wire-worm 3 d lcathN Jackets ; th<·y should lx· pricked into th~ ~ 1 or pW<'(-<1 unde rneath th.P plants lx·fore planun;o~~ 1 hf'; ar~ both fof thehm gac;cs, and it is th<> fum{'s "hie 1 1 r asfc up rorn t cm that uttl'rly d<>strO) ins('d p• sts. 0 coor~, w 1 1cn• th('~f' arc only tr<.'(;'> and !lower\ to .he ~onstder~, thf> J>OI~)OOUS c;pray.:;, XL-AII, .\bot, I an~ Gn-<·n, and ~ord("au, :\lixturc arc quitf· thf' bc-.t and most cffoct1v•· mean-. of d~>-.tro}ing :-~ll p( -.t-., but the.<;(· mu<;t not lx· uc;('() on, or nf•.tr, am , rlihl1• vcg('tatJOn. . ha\ing little or no gard~n will find tlw ... {' box< ... :. gr.t·ct~ sourcP of joy. &! sure th~o• bo"''" .tr•• p.tim•d; th1s IS n<:cessary to kN•p 0\lt damp ;,and pr( ~n•· the wood from doc.ay. s~ to it that th('re an• ~CJOd holes at the bottom to allow for drnin.tgf'. ~ <:Mf- fu, as to tht> c;oii put in th(•-.e boxes. Thi-. -.oil -.hould con.;i,t of two p.1rts fair!) good g.trdr-n mould; two. parts lt'af mould, or dP<":lY~ lt'aw ... frorn autumn fWt • a «ood . kt• ' • < I"> "'Pnn · mg of Rito-bc sur<: to g4 t thi:-,, it j.., ;;uch '' on IX)X<'<: b<· "un to put .;onw ,ton~>-. [" Gardcnin~ Illustratt J. "J Iris. The Bcun. Dolphin appear:- in the tips; rem(>dy- pid impossible to e numerat<' all the disea~('S and JX'S~s t~at will most likely appear in May, but my advtcE> IS to take r emedies at once, not to leave 1t until the plant is almost des troy<>d or so we-akened by the attack that it will takes week" to rcro'ver. May is also t!he " bedding-out " month . Window- boxes '> hould also receive attention, and these can be rnnde so pr~tty and attractive with a little care and thought J u <>t a word about window-boxes, as those o r brokt>n brt(.ks <.'f cr.-., or an~ rough fibrou-. nwtt>rial . tht•n 1111 up with thE> rompo~t to room f<~r wat(>ring, or addition Q{ a little more· 'oH; then prC'\'11 fi rm!) abcut plant<;. Nmv "indow-. fa<'ing t!IJrth an.• practkall) ..,unksc;; for thPm h.\rdy f<·t ""· <:rc(•pmg j<•nn), p<'ri\\ inklf", ('Uk{'ol.tri.t.;;, and mu"k will b<- lx•-.t. An eastern window geh. of cour-.. <', th< morning sun, a nd in it fuchsias will fiouri,h, dwnrf na~tm­ tiu mc;, «WC<'t-sc<•nt('d tobac<:o plant<;, god('ti .. ts, \',tl1,lt\ cn'<'pt>rs ; also violas a nd p~n"ir.... · In a window b eing 1l'l'st, tV\-l<'a\'('d g.-ranium-.. p<.>largoniums, margueritE><;. pNunw... lolwlia ... , and tropmdium lobbianum will look lowh dut ing the about t\'-0 inch<•s of th<' top, to .tllm\ ~ummC'r. Q{)