Mar ch
I liE I \ '\ D "i\\ 0 \J\'\
1 '12()
J>O"" I • •1 ' • •11 • •1 n ut<
'"' r of • a!l farm in " J' or( 0 lk
\\ htll ther•· -.)H' orgam...,cd
• h·tnPw
• r r t rade for vegrt.tbh•o;
wa<> . . uc h a -;urct''>s 1
\\"E:-.:1 bPn• ath tht• ... unny ~k)
1 L 1, • , •tnd .. ., ~ ha t
lf r
l• \. tl' -;irf',
\\"hf'n .111 thin&~ bo,,,. £,)
, ,, p 10 . ' •·r d <·t·ided to n-.k the
. <'xperrment of • a · she •p 1 . n
I he P·""~""' with its :.ll ldfa-.r '>• •
I .o 0 u . 1 011 • wlwn' l>U Ch . thtngs could h < <;old f r,.., 1 1
J lw· btu•• ,..h,,JI, ()n tht- lupln 'P rt •
wn (I\\ 1'IIt'r"· !'>he f pt"rsuad~d
\I "'" "nhPr·
t 0 t()
t t)
1gt:ll iL I1t o thts to her oth• r w I·
1 he S\H lling lruit along th:· bough:--.'
:t< Id
ot '
I h~· rrra-. . . grown hc;tdy Jll thf' r~un,
'l l '
a nd 1 11 ' r~ ~
h •'' O nh • b1'<'n orx n a m onth, and • th<'\ • ar,. ' tlr" .:(HI\
., 0 Ull' \ that < h.ts
'{-:trct>l)- 11111(' tn J,rf'.tth.~
.\Iv little ,\irh tiger b,lr -.,
"Bright d:t ,, .., .all hidd··n 111 ('()llt~·nt ;
\1 <•-.l of tilt' pro~luu romt's fn,m '\o rfolk, hut ,, ~
"wift bird.,. th.ll fl:J..;Iwd likt• d.trklrng <;(,ll'>
tbC' nhiOlllf't' uw rt•.t<:f'~ t h at -.upply wao.; ._ 0011
.kro-. ... th•· doudy contrn•·nt;
''"hau , IP turll(;-r.tilt'd upnn rh<> ..,unnr tl.t;.!' ;
H '.tl "lwfl tilt' .< I WIC' P o
<.nglt" h fr u it a nd vq~.- .
I h·· b.·t·s .... u k•·d ,, <·olourt d \\ orld
1 .tbl•·" j, -.n lu n tiNI t hf' stork h a<: to b<• rl'i n forct d
( ){ m ..... un fr r t •lf•iJ hont: -b.lg ... .
ft·om Ctn Nit ( , ,trd <'n, '~'ht•t·f' :\!i<;s Sa lt< r mny lw
fc·t•n d tl<''lr h ,.,· .. n mornmg of thP we<:k hu\'i ng- hrr
And .dl the.-.~" thi n~ -. .... dlll'd \t·r;.,.
'J h" ,un, rlw llt \Vt·r-., liw bird-. < n \\'lllg",
f'l4 .. r!w-. 'IIHI r. trt' fruit nnd fl owt'r -.., and <>ht· i<;
T ft, jollv lu ..... r ..... tht fun·.'-(
1 ! 1 lig-ht ·r wN·k-t•ncl s h.,. run-. do\\'n to ~ orfolk
\\'ho, Jx ing man, rnig-ht g tth•·r up
I h .. JOY of .d1 l)l'rH .uh the -.k;..
10 -.('C ho\\ tlwy n r\! g etting o n at thf' farm, for
\nJ :ldd rb•i1 rn .t-.url' hl Ill\ up.
whil'h :-IH i .... -.t' ll r P<.pons iblc. She confid('d to lllf.'
1 hat her h< .ut ". t ~ tc1rn bf'twt>en the two jobs
\nd tr.t\1'1 t:H•r) ... :lining wa;..
didn't ktww whhe- tell ~ me that thev
have done no adver tising,
• tll their cus tom comes through r ecommendation.
0 \oil kthH\ tlw d•·lightful fPrling---nftf' r w.tlk· It was a bi t '-low t h e firs t ff'W days , but people
,;,g rtlong- ,\ lir ng. du . . t~ 1 o.t<•On fou nd thL·m ou L, and now fresh bu) ers are
f··l'l 1111 ln•-.;h <{r•' 11 -.prin~\ lllt ( ~ If ' "· \nu will
tOthl..tntl) roming in w ith, " .\f rs . So-and-So told
und• ,,t.llld • '"' tl\ Ill) Jm-:-.ftf'r a hu . . llr ng m orn- mP how dt· fi c ious your eggs are ! ' ' etc.
fhe day
illl-{ \ o.,hoppiug 111 10\\ n '' hc·n I -.uclc'• nl~ di ... cove rf'd
wJwn real countr} bu tter appeared in the window
in J:u• 1.: ng-h.•111 l'.tl." ,. Ro1d, litf'ralh • Wi th in a
~a\\ que ut . . o f people wai ting for their t urn to be
<.ton• ".. throw of th J, , 1~( . . ~nrd(·n-., a tin) ~hop
st•pplied, a nd undoubtedly there is something a bout
window fill•-<1 \\ ith f t ' 1 1 ountn . thllt«s-o.,nt \\'-
the .... hop which i~ very r efresh ing to town-worn
droJ h
and '''' ;.:' t·ltlf.:-not', brown -~hd1Pd Pgf, -.,
d<> 1 •l iuus pat-. of buttt r .. nd fa-.cinating little <.n am London<;, .tnd tit(• '' indo1\ frn rned in tr .:1il-. of IJ• c.tll ... e a ft r r :d l iL ' c; o nl} a fru it and vegetable
l•lo\\n-1, tfl'l l ir_, from .l D«·\·on-.hirt> J.wr . .;hop ! '' I -.u ppos(' <.Jw wou ldn't u nders tand if w e
I -.;tood .uHI \\olld• r,..d whnt ll haf') ond ,
r ourltr>r 111 ,,ur , j h,l!f f o g o in, :111d \\'}}('O £ iiJ (fOOll" A..I
\\'h it P cloud s o n thf' w ing .
" If
'•-u nn -
\\'hat a lit tl<· th ing
• \\'J l "-\\';'Mt~. tlw faf"r o f Oil(' of th<:;n
T o n ' nwm ix'r for V f'ar<; ,
lit up . . md .,f1,. l'~'lll l lldf'r
'-A I! < I', :t \ l•t \ oJrf (Ill fl '' f)(lllflt Ill :tnd friend of [})('
111 1
\ \' tr T I \\I \I. IIU '\ I ; 11 \\f •
• ~ tllll• • "'" I told h••r tll • at o lh ~'r rf·ar 1 t•rs would
J rk,.. to !\IItH\ I[ -.h, \\'a-, d()inrr 't nd 1 .
· 1 .onr f "· in l.utd kit . , "' . t •