The Landswoman June 1919 | Page 6

-- • /unt!. 19 19 THE LANDSWOMAN Sporting Terminology C \SE heard by :\I r. J ushcc Darhnll onw tinw t• ~o. Ill which the vocnl cfforts of n donkey\\ Cl m d~cnh d a.~ "~mg1ng," pomb OIH.' 'b attention . to the 'cry t•lnborat<.• tcchmca.l vo<"abulary wlu<'h n. 1 t in connection with sport. l "ond~ r how many L1uHI gtrl-. could pa-..:;s an cxanunation 1n tlw folio''- 111g hst of nmsc mad( at ruthng tJnH' which I A • take ftom an old dtcttonary · A hart " bt.'ll~ ·; n buck " p:ro3 n3 •· or '' troats " ; a roe •• lX'Ilo" s ·• ; a hnro •· Lca.ts" or "taps"; an otter "\\llll'~"; ~~ honr "fr-.·am>( "; a. fox "bark:'~··; a hndgt•t "shrieks ••; a v.:olf " ho,ds "; a goat " rattl<'s. ' ' Of courst• a goorl manv of thes<' t\f<' ob,;oldc, but som1• of thc·m may sttll be fou nrl m out of th<'·Wil)' ports c>f the country tmtouch<·d hy t}w ~:~tnf<• of k1np:14, where one y<.nr HI \Cry much tlw :;amc ll~-' another year, anrl the tHght of tim<' m< anq nH.• rcl~ t IH' ~ U<'C:< ~si on of t hc seaso n~. Here #\re !WOH' of thE\ con'<'<'t \\ fot t}w Jodgiug of animals: A hart" harbouN " ; n hu<"k " lodg<• " ; a roe " bed~ · ; a hnu· .. l't·n t~ · ot '' form "; a conev •· ~r ; a of dot tNd ; n "Jlock • " f h ust nrd'l. And {or rO\I ~I n'! thom Olll' ~ays "mi ,. ''1f tlwy arc grou~c. pnit t Hl S(~' o r qutul; and o u t• " pu<~ hc~ " a p ht-n.- nnt," "llus lws "a wood. <'ock, and "spri n g, '' a ·• tr1 p ' • ~Ill {)(', Q u J: .. rt NJ.,,TL'W- P LA< J.:s 1 tun n•mulded that tht• ti nu hn~ u ow <·ome wlH' n < oun t rvfolk wi ll be put. hug the unac<·u~tollled Jll'tl to pap<·r to lllform t he bogt<' from a I add!n~ton long tlnrd. cla~'s cnrr 1 ng<' a.t RWlndon a ro lnn s ne" t \\1 t h 81 x <'l£{l." "as found r•ght on the to1> of tho ccntr<• p1n . \nothcr robin scl<'ctcd a 1lower·Jl0t s usp<'ndc•d 1n a .~nmnwr house at th<' bridgc ; . w hile o. tlu rd thc> pocket~ of an old coat. hnngtng m a s!n blt' a t ~and ­ ford m D 1·, on~hm·. '\ et ano ther robu1 <' hOt!<' a gns Jnmp n.t tlw" Crown," Cri~klcwood , t hc ])t~,bl!c-hou~o 1\t "h 1 ch ull t hc motoromm buscsfro m the hJc phnnt nnd ca~tl<· · and Yi<'toria stop. T ho n cst ing- pl acc "as w1 t lu n rt'nch of anyone !$ l a n din g o n tho ground. At the corncr of the lamp a Vl'IY s m a ll pll'<'l' of tlw gin~~ was brok<.>n , a n d throug h the hole th1• rob111 gauwd nc<'N>s to its h ome. A tom-tit a.t Author~ m LincolnRhn,- butlt H~ 1 wst m n farmyard pum p whi ch is i n con s tan t use. \ thru~h mndc tts ncst in tb£> heart of a cauliflower at ~utton Bridge, in Lincolnshire; and a no ther thnt'~h. at Throapham :Manor, near W ork op , reared tt" vounp; in a honle made on the top of a. brusH•) sprout plant.. Yet another thrush ch ose thc s pace bt•twt•cn the wm~ of a caned a ngel 1D Keddi n g ton <·hun.•hyard, mar Louth. This 1s rather n o table, lwct\u~c tht• figure, s<'ulptured Ill w h1te marble, JS <'nclol:-Pd m a wire cage, and thc b1 rd m anaged t o get all the mat<'rial for h<'r nest t hrough tbe closely woHn w1n:· ncttmg. Perhaps t he most cur1 ous case of n1l1s thnt of a h<'n whtc h lai d a n u m lx- r of £>ggs m a dog-1.l·nn<"l, and t he dog-an lrts h t erricr- n<'itht·r brol..c t he eggs n or rcscnt ed in a ny way the hen's mtrmnon. Tlu!! was at :Nor t hampton . ' .