The Landswoman June 1919 | Page 5

]une, 1919 I cnmpuc:!'ion to tho land o( my nativity, but put p~"n to p ttpN, ancl ells- cover the sinfnl rt~c. and vilo pro phancnc ~s that attr·nd ~ne h mu;. rul<". " 'T'ho \1orris Oo n rNl gPn<·rally form('(l part also of tlw Whtt ~u n revels. antl it i~ evi · drnt that both old a nd young t•njov<·cl th••m. An mnrkablc ln'ifanc<' is $ZIY('n hy Sir Wtllin.m Te mp!<', who tt·IIH how 1n King .Janws's r< ign thcre w•·nt about t hf' countr,r a 1 their sho ps and houses, over which also they u~ed ridiculously and fooli shly to !f'ap<', by a. <'e.rtain antient eustom, w<> com mand th<>m from hcnc<'forth to ceac;t'.'' These fire~ were called bonefire::~, and runny people think it was because thE"y wcro made of bones-" olcne bones' ' one old manuscript says-im;tead of woorl. The morc probn.blo explanation, howcvcr, is that th<' origina.l word was !>Mn fire. tt fire mad€' of materials contr1 buted by everybody. Various locnl customs were nssoci at<>d with thcs ~· su mmer Solstice rovcls. In Northumberlnnd they used to dt'(I~S out Rtools with a cushion of flo wArs. A layer of <.'lay was ulac<'d on the stool, and therein wa::~ stuek. with grt>at rcu:ulnr•ty, an arrangement of all kind~ of tlow<.>rs. so elo-.~ as to form a b~autiful c·u-;hion. Thf'l'le woro exhibited at tho doors of hou.s<''l i n the villagefl, whN't' the attendantR begged mon<' Y from pa.c;~e ng<·t-s, to enable them to have u.n t"Venin~ ft' ll fl t nod daneing. Th<'re WC'n' also many tliffNt'nt waye connoct('d with ~hd~; ummer Eve of dt sco~c ring your "true • A ~tMetl. love.'' There was the dumb cake, which " two must makc it, two bak<' it, two break it, and the third put it under each of vour p1llO\\CS (but you must not spc:•ak a word all the time , and th£>n you will dream of the man you are to have .' ' A .. rare cole •· which was to be found und<'t the roo.t of plant, only on ~1id~umtn('l E~e at 12 o clock, was supposed to save its po"'"<'"sor from " plague earbuncle, lightning, the quartan a~ue, and from burning .. , Aubrey, writing m 169i. ~ ay~. " The last s ummcr on thc> day of St •. fohn Bnph;t I accidentally was walking in the pasture bt>hind :\Iontague House. it was twelve o•clock, 1 saw th<'r<> about two or thrc: a nd twt>nty youn g wonwn, most of them well hab•ted, on tht>ir kne('l', Hry hm-J(•, as if they had bc<'n weedmg. A younp: mnn told m<' that tht>y WLl'<' looking for a. toal undt>r th<' root of a 1)lantain to put under thc1r h<"adq that night. and they should drcam who would be their hu-.. bands." l\Iidsumm<'r Eve rt>vcls W<.'rt' not ronfin{"d to tlw Bntich I sles, hut wl'rc c quttlly obst•rvcd in Fronct'. and till quite a late period in Spnin . • • ,