The Landswoman June 1919 | Page 4

June, 1919 TH£ LANDSWOMAN showed tJwir grn.htudo hy some gJft. • • • • • ' ~ • • I .... . _, .. . .. - .. . . .. _ .. -, ... ' ( ·- • , / t,. -. _.. ~- • ·~ • - - ... .. ,~ ,. ... . .I / .,. . 4. "' t .._ ., ., ""' ... ~ . ~ ·;,.~~ ~ ... • '\"""" • , .. - .. .. .. \ . ' ' , .. . Vlll. aroe• a-Mayin~t on Shooter' • H11l. E\<'n tho E-:<'hoolboys jnJJw. l.3ll0,' W(' find thnt on tlw cl w of "'' Phd• p nncl '-'t. lnnwA, f •t b·· fair \H·uthrr nnd t iJ~ mn~h·r grantH ll'a.'re, tJw,..t! l.oys who t·h~Hhl' It mn • v rJAtl n t four o '<'lock f{l ~r1thl r )fny hmn cht>:-~, i/ thc't c tUL do it trtf1tollt u•dl t' .r· . .. ~ .. __ . . • .. "'·. • ....-.._i:,..... c. " .., I~ ' .. H~nry ... Danci n!! round th<' \Ta.ypoll'~ was con~HJerctNI, "~f) as the he hnd in due r. nd ('onvcni<'nt tim<' w1. thout impNh- mentorn<·glec t of Di .. lllC Fkni(t' '' I n the time of C'romwoll, how<'n' r, all Mnypol<'~ \\'(•r<' ord0rod to h<• cl MtroyNl " b<>ca.uso the prophnn. ation of th1' Lord 's Day hnth bt>cn heretofore grrontly occnr-c\otwd by ::\Jay Pol<>s tn. hl'ntlwnioh vnntt_v, gPnl'rall \' nbw~~.·d to ~ up<'l"::; tit io n anrl \\'ir kNl n<''~")." Thomn" Hall, one of the Pur•· tanit nl wri t <'rs. T•U hlt shl'cl hts Downfall of May Game& 1n 1660. In th R h<' s u~gcsts I hnt all tref:'•· for the .Maypoles have b<'cn in\'ll.rt· abl • v stol<·n or th<' r ... hblc. " Had • th1s rudcncs~, •· he ndch., ·, be<'n a<'t<'d only 10 bo nw ignorant nncl ob~<'ure parts of the land. I hnci been stlent; but wh<'n I pnref'ivcd that the complaints wc t'C gom·rnl from all pnrts of the land. anrl that even in Ch<'ap~i d<' itself tlw rude rabble had ~;e tupthi s en~ign of prophanen<'sf.l, I could not, out of my rl<'aT('st r<'Spocts and tonrlcr .- - • , ' I • lht. r fc._ t. 'l•llanuid~ Wt 1t nlwa.ys 11" "<·it•tt•ll wtth th,·t<' )lay l>ay roniR, and th('v had u quaint <.· tu to m of bor· NlWlll!( nmi ~·oll<•c ting n In rgt• qunnli ty (If si I ver l,J,ttl', '\ hu lt tlwy pdl'd up Ill n pyt'I\.IUid -a dorm·d with s.curlnnd<~ of flow<•rR - tLJHl tlH'n, Cl\l't'yl n g so rn•· of 1 t on t hur h<>nd~ 1n •t• 1111 of th<'Jr <'Orurnon m•ll, w~ p;ld ·. tlH•v wo uld dnnC''' lu·fon• tlHl hou<~<'~ of t ""' r c• u-.torner.t, \Vho - ... - . • • - • # • ~ • • • • • • • • . . - Milkma.ida • Danc:o with Pile of Plato on May Day. tz6 •