JUNE, 1919
The Journal of the Land Army and Every Country Woman
Bdltorbl Offi~ 1 Stone Pleld, Kldbrook Grove, 6fackhatb, S.E.
DIJr:-;;n '1r
Advertlslnr Offices 1 W. H Smith~ Soa. Sta-nford Street, S.E. t
Spring and Summer Revels
T may are m P trn.n'(P to
hl" wJlfiO'l about :\lav
ru<~~tom~ rn .Jnne, but
1n thi~ nm
fir-,t Ma.v Hl
penc(' flm<', t!Hl mayPol<'"
nnd danr<'~ wcrt• rc\iw•d in
Ml mo.ny vtllsurr!' all ov€'r
thf' rnun ~rv t ha1 it will
po~~;ihly bo int('re~tm~ to
rN'Ril thP on~tn of some of
thi',C' old rfl\'c•l;:~.
lt wu nr.cicutlv
th,. cu--
tom for all rankii of p<'opJ,.
to ~'> out n. :'If nyi n S! N rl y
on the bt of :.Iay. B()nrnr
tell~ cs that, in ht" tlmf',
in the vtll~tr.;<'~ 1n th" north
of En~! and ·• the- ju \"t'n:le
part of both se~P~ W~'J'('
wont to ris<' a littlP after
midnight e n th(• mormng
of that nay, and, 1\CC'Offi·
panicd with mu<~ic ~tnd the
blowing of horn~, to walk
to so me neighbouring wood,
they broke clo\vn
branchC's from the h"'C'l
a nd adorned thc>m with
nosegays and crowns ot
flowers. Tbt <~ done, they
r<'turof'Cl homewards wt th
their booty ahout +he- time
o£ s unrise and made th,.ir
doors and \\'lndow"' trinmph
thP flowery "'P"tl."
Hcrrt<'k makes the fol!owinlir
nllu ~10 n~ to these flow<'r-
and comntin'r marke
How (lnc;h fit'ld turns a.
street; each strc<'t a
)fade gr<'t·n nnd tn m-
mcd with tre<' t and k-.t. to
£otcho tho flou rts fr<' ,.;h, and brnunch, and blo IUl'."
H enry Vlll. nnd hi ~_o Queeno KathPrJoc rode a·
)la.yul ~ from (;l'('<'nwtch to ~hootN fi Htll a.f'com-
(Hl nicd by many Lord~ and LadtC$. 'l'bcl'\' 1 not
mu<.•h '