The Landswoman June 1919 | Page 7

THE LANDSWOMAN }une, 191? ( - Old·f n4hiotl'li ''" >llvtv'll C01o (ludtUnlJI) " - • '# I • • -- :.uoo ! " -· - - Poouit " I I Morning Thanksgiving I By J ohn Drinkwa ! er~ ~ H -\~K <·od fo r -.h•t•p in t h1~ long quiet mght, ~~ Fen thl' t' J<'o r day call ing through tht' little lt·adP wa rm goldt>n lt ~ht . • \ nd t}w p'tth-; '"a..: hc·d "hi te by 'IUgi ng rai n ~ . " 't• th mk Tht\' , 0 l :od , fo r c.• xultahon born Of tlw J-1 '" o t Th v "uHl,, fo r hf<' amonf.t tht- lea.H•q , F or tht• "lurri n~ \\Jlll!" that }H\K~ about tht• '"onch'r o f th•· mm n . Fo r tht• c. hnngi ll~ plumt" of 'l \\allo \\ ..:. gh dm{( lll'\\ tlfd ' to t h 1•1 I' Ul. V (', , Thank f: od tor good lrrcad, for the hon<'y in the <·o mb, F or t h~· hrown-~hc>llt hlo~ onb d t'!!~' · for tl.e c·Ju.,tt•red ... t•t Beyond tht• OJWn \\ in!\O\\ in a. pink and t•loudy foa m. F o r t b,. ln.u ~h iu g loH• am'lng; th"' brnn eht•g met . F or t ht· kin,J.t,l\ l'tl \Htm t• n \H' hriniZ o1ar thank~ to The t' , • " 1th , h:q~t·lv motlwring arms and grav<.' ••ye, clea r alll d hli t hl', }'or tlu tnll • ~~~un11; ml n. -.tronsr-thi.'\H ,1 ru men IH•. 1;-o r tlw ol d ma n ))('nt n ho' c hi" <'yt lw. 1)}1\} 1<'01 tht trt•n,un· o t tlw garden, for tht> gillyflo\\<.'1':> of ~ro l •l. T lw proudt•r pc.• tnll<'d tulip11, tho pr1mro~<' full o£ " jlrl ll ~. }'o r the.· t' \"(l\\ th d Ol'C h.\l'd boughs, a nd t h\.' ~ wt• lh ug budq tlutt lHIId .A \'l' t \111\\0\t ' ll \\ ondN, to Th(l<' ou1· pr.-u~c> \'d' • hJi ng. l''or Ptl r t h 's h tth• st•t•tt>t and m n u nwra biP way::., J.'or t ht• 1 n rol and tht• I'Olour, Lo rd. \\ C h n n g \ Ylh\.t th•n ~ot mny be of thankQ, a nd t hat Thou hMt INlt o nr d a • v "~ By t•>~ to t•t: nntl lll.l"l to hl'nr a ntl lip ... t o . •