June, 1919
Our Post Bag
Iris, Yellow Flag
•• /)fJ'A (HI inti/1111111 /,;/UJII/t:t/')1' of Sn/l~r'. U111/ lt 1 111/11~ ,,,., 'fiVifl'
11t1rurl11 t. ''' fJI.'tfllrtl" 1"
J)f -\R gpnoR,-'1 Ill' worol ".lttta< t" with it I! •!.cnvath•'ll
on«' whio'h rovers n \I.IIJ;. rarrgo• ot Jlleoniug, aJJplu~al 1 1" a!! it 18 u 1
thol!l' 8tl"nt fMCf'S ot :.iatur•• owr \\hll'h ruan h.ns fit') crmtr(Jl-
npi•IIC lblc nlso to the, ltm~s wltl_Lh'l man hlrn!!i!lf, 8''VNnlnll nn•l
j 11tu,.nr.lng hl!lllf". ( h lrtn, tascma.t,,m,l!t'rlu,..tion,llllurtment.-
tl1" word" nttr11C't1on" 'lllll8tAn•l for all th"5e • w~ h'lve all felt 1 t·
we> tunc nil hocn " •• tt rat t!'tl" 111 !(Jm~> way oi anr,th,.r norllf'tl
a dPsln• of know)f'tlg••. ~~~ tfl those who rom~ iutfl dose nnd who tlrJ!im u more Intimate kuoY.II'fl~ of her
as th 1t Jut lrnnr.v mcrNIS 11 h• r att r.H I irm inct'l> ... ses al!(•.
1 t. ll"r Till! t(l tnf• t h:1t t h 111111118 t IJ'.l o, fM "~at u r"' is H1~' lani(UB;.t
In whlrh flf11I c•,pn'Sll<' 1 HI!! thou.rtht," "IQ t~.at as ·v~ rc,rnf to lr rn
null unflt·t tnntl thi'\t Jungna:.:•' ruflrt·, W" lx~ln oo 4rn•p tJu 11 Jy
1\ntl \'f•rv lrllldf'IJII.Lh·lv, 1t 111 t ru1• - fhP wr10dr•r nnd t.tl' '?IQry llnd
fhi' r~ rfi'Ctlou IH I hP thou::zht wturh 111'1 t04'·!l•ud 1t. ,\~ ort~> c,t *ht·
l;rt•rk fal(ll'rol l',tl If, "fh,. \~ltll't (Jilt U)fltl'rtlj•lati(lfl Of
('r<•ntlon, thr f(f~'lltf•r 1\llt J,r• ()tJr ·on•·rption Of r;orl." VtJft 111ft Ju
Naturt• Is m~' nnl n~l,.llll; f'Vf•rythan~ fri)TII thP "nt.dl"llt to the
((r<'ILt-~'~ t, 1~ fulfilling th" '''''rJJIIII•IIrpo ,. anti rr,l·rtmg th~< giMy
of t hr Cr('ntor.
Ou thr• Qthf r hnnd, th•·rr an• th~l' who h:ne IIYt•d ~11 thr-ir h\r·a
in th • do'l('t~t c·ont~t wrth ~afuN', nntl yet whr, <1re ~ntm~l)·
IJH"('o[>('JHfiTIJ; tO hrr WOOfiPt lUll! llf'r bP:lltty, Hut althOIIII:h
tlwy ha\'(' liwtl in ~•wh rlOFI' a'I~()(:J.~tiou, ttwy t.a'e gain'"d nr1
lnt unntc knowlf'tl~,. n/ lwr; th~"y haw• np•s wh•ch 81'1! not, ntltl
~>ar!J whkh hPar not.
I h"y .u-~ l•k" f!ltllf'n.ll wiinri of n stl<'k-it ht>ld<~ no nttr l('t.ion for th,..m ; they •I , IJ(Jt
comw•'h<'rHI the rncnnrn~ CJt th,. r.-d, t he "-hit.c and U1" !.lw::;
tlu•y M'C no .. ymhol~ m tl.e dtlff'rcnt cro,-,el!; their ~rl'.eJ,1Iou
faib to llrasp thfl glory f,,r \\hlch 1t "t~nd~. \t tlrt>' me t1me
they kno1~· th,. colour of th<· flag ancl rould probably draw and
tnmt it corr('rtly 1f you a~kNI them. I n thl' <~am,. lolif a man
may b..' aiM to plou~h A &traJJZht furro"' ; he mAy knew th"
pha'I('S t hrouzh wluch ..,,:ert p;b:->e:i hdore it yJf"lds •t .. hllnt' t. But
know'r·dgo mrnns mor<· thnn thr···· th:n~ .... anti I .. m cturc tlk'\t all
tho~r who l1ve clo11c to Xature and who attam thnt knowlcdr.t ...
wiJI<'h vrowi drrper antiJuorP mt:uu~_. wtll find that her wontler,
h~'r IJ,..,,uty and mp•kry-tor my ... t. nou-. ~ht' \\ rll alw.,v,. h -
,~ 111 <•wr dPcpcn th,.ir apJirt'CJltJOn nnr.l df"votJon --1 o11rt
" 'LVO'\ "
, Cl a,
fl f. 'I rlnnrlnn. (lr J , 1. .MoM:rynl • Ot nu!
l h J.nt(IIJh ll:nne llllrOm the }P&\l'Jl re mt lmg fta • •
I 111
- .
Xnr:ut CnUUCTJ:!t5.
T. f 'tJ/yx.-"ip:lttu:•, t\\ o lt·n\cd ( \ \ ) SCJl31 t nl{ th,. fl(jwer
H . f'o-r•JIM rC(fJirll'" - " tzm~oU! obloo1l, ot.tuM, three oukor
on"s retl xed ( H B. J3 ) • t hret:t lnni'T on g er et., ruore acut~
(''.(; C',): ull nmt tl by tht claws cru
IIC. .\triD.ff-\ loogitJdinnlllne •n t11t> l'lrnv:• an•i joint Ql
the luy J)l"bl fl )
TV. ·'' llflill'l.-1 l4rr1"nt • tJ.r, e (J?.f .I.); nutl.era ((; t;.f •• ).
V . l'udrUotm -•: rHI"II (If); t}ll'! "irnpl~. llt.orf or.•):
~ tiJ,t••ut 1 Vl'r.)i lane··, pctal·torm, u.wrn•~~: tJ11' &tan1111a (I.L)
'''""'''''' l'i/tJI,~J(I'; ll(tJX r lop, tWf)• !l'ft ( f\ .) , onn~r (f..).
l'il·pod, I)J,IQIJ;z (\{.); t 1 & rre·c•~ll..:ll {:-o '
VIT • .'il'l't(l.-::\um~"rous, largt", oo,;af.- ( P.).
V(. i'N•"UP.-
Me.,r.- lrnJok•, I ,lfy.
Lr.·iform, •ltern Lt", )f•l!ow N dull J{l'('•'n ({}.).
JJal,tfttlw 1 -fu w.,t .. r, dltrll . "1Pwm·1n. D. \hr h 1llnnd
J) Oklll end• ~t:l.\t' \'" t~onoetlung .
• .
our Olll' d h·;lppoiutment w:t-. that )fl"' ~tlllJ:SOO l' car hrokc
c)tP did not reach
'T\ICC B.lhllllll!o,
1 1 own nu d ~
· us to gtw
tl , tbl' . G•>od
\{ . 1\ .,rt lultl to Jlll hrr pi.\Ct' for ''· ('\o un~o;.
· ~~~ 1111 ~tri'T,; K. Hrf!S{· , D. :'\t•wmnu. 1> Ok•ll. I! :'1{\_n~ltnll,
<: (, 1 1 , 0 n, 1 Brown. und L Wolhud rct-.·n-ecl thrn {•OOd"' nke
Rt~re~;~n.·d th•· profit. ... ,, it h the. V tear IUld 1\i~w thcrt·b) J~