June, 191 9
G. S. Ribbons
yt·ar~· :;1~rnc•).
Scllt" U;wrnport (l2
E. Ken t
\lr- lridon. ''"' H.1"""· '(!". lialltday, :\tr .... liurrt>ll, dOe! )lt-~"
fuarrl '·let>:-on. Hlan I, y, Cum en, . r11ton. Penn.
t:uelll. f .ra~ -on. _)Iiller, :Fe-.rran;, I~lf'•d"'n Tng$1', ('rudamJZton.
l :;her, Jl".l):O, Lt,h•r, BJo'l:ham, Harbrr, ll<\\ ie,.,. f'erkm~. Gr<'ut.
Hootlk '"• Constantf:nP I·'ord, 1-lynu. llell, .\yre<~. l'hilliT"·
c ;c:.rditse, Rrowut, Beunet. JJu~h~'"• Xonnan. J31rruin~h:tm, l.'prrott.
WA~·n-. Crayc-rott, ltyt". \'irker"· Bboow-. WellQ, Cook, )ftll",
Dod~o'! · Well", •tringfellow. \\ yatt, }:dwn~. Humphrey,
Lloy•l. l.wt>t>. Uorr~r. )tartin, I.inzheld. Tom-.ett.
• ,\It".r thf' m~tlmr of thf> we~t D.!rhy anrJ Leyland Suh-
fommltt~ f"D .-\pnl n•h. ht"ld 1n Ln-erpool, therP was a pre~nt~·
tion of Good ~~rncc Rtl bons by ~It'-. Raw~torue, the Ohamnan,
to J.and .\nny ~~;trls worktn~ In th-:- :-.ub-Committet' area.
:'\[1". R~w.;;tornto, )[r Well} and ::llr. Baxter all ~poke to thl'
girl' ~d c~ratulated thl.'m wannJy on th~> honour tht'y had
~·on. Then .lln. Raw-.t<>me pinnad the r1bboo on n·ery ~i.rl's
arm anwi"'t thf' <~mile& of ht'r rompanion;;.
They wen- aJI a tin(' typ • ot l..and .\rmy ~mJq, and I onlv witoh
tho- .EdJ!or oi Tm~ L-\.'\PSWOXA..~ could 2lve m~ sp.lct> to publish
all the te~tirnonialc; the farmers sent
It would how
murh t~ ~ork of good I..anrl Army gtrls is appreciawd in
Thf>ir n!lmP;; were: .\my Rtt"hnnison (}4 month-.' s<>nict>),
:&rbanl. Whitti Id (18 month.-'~~> rvwe). Xelli~ Budgett (18 month•.' servtce), .F iorrte Taylor
(12 month.c.' servict>), Dorothy Watts (14 month-..' service), Xnncy
LIPTONS take a personal
The girls wl.'re th~n enterUiinPd at tt-a, and a. visit to one of th"
th...atres brought a. very happy afternoon to an Pod.
Four other work('rs-L. Po~ton (12 month!!' 1\Pr\1~). u.
Pi'nnell fl2 mouthc;' srrvi~), N. F.nrn"'hnw (U month>~' E\e t vicP)
.\. Bllt".; (17 montM' ~erYk~}-could Mt attenr\. Tb" rlhbou
wa<~~~ent to th<>m with t\ IP.ftH of Huutk'l for th~ good work thry
had do& and WHO dotn~t for tbi'Jr t'ounLry.
\\btlu, )[ linu1mer, L. }{rO\\ u, ) I. Ba~nlll, ' l Bi""'l.' kt•r
I.. llrndl~>,·. L. Bmdt•ury, E . llri'<~"Ot-, \ })awkln-. J:. Barker'.
!II. Bull, k Jliddlrcomtx'. X Batrt>, .\1. JJ~wkin~. S. FarmPr,
E. f' lPtcher, l:i. Finch, 1-:. Grey, L. Gree n , A. Gallf\(lhcr, E. H all,
L. Johruon, .-\1l,\ Jon<'~, D .• Tonrs 11. Kie rl, 1~. Klrby lJ. kes,
){. IA\vm!lton, ' £ Leathes, D. !\Iorrey, V. l l oorhouM, '\1 !\!orris,
X. :UO<-'!, D. Owm " · CJark, T. C"olli{'r, B. Cr.tchlow, N. Craddot'k,
S F.d\11nd«, K Constahle. R. CurtJs. A. Davenr10rt, A , D a,·l,on ,
'l. D;>a' ille, :ll. Dix, J . Dngmorl', N. Doody, L . ElWf'll, F . H aynea,
\I, Hmd, E. Hnr11t, L. Hall, D Hood, Dori'l Hood, D . Uoscgood ,
.\ . Jont's, J Johu~on, D. K1erl, E. Kidd, E. I .ce, G. L<>wman,
G. LeJghloon, JJ. !llason, :u. ~[orric,oo, E . ) l rXaUy, M. :\lerr&tt,
R . ~lOrTh, 0 . Xt>w•oo. A. P:lrtoo, D. Pool"'r, 1<~. Poolo, H. Preere,
A PJck.,tork, L . Prt', 'l. femplellllln, A. l'albot, Jo~. Underhill, D. Yard!Py.
J;. Weawr, D. W'\ke. L. WiV((. E. Iticharfl<;, E. Ro~ r:J, W,
~l..~lh·ru. L. Sbortho~l', .B. Shelton, 0. Shaku•haft, A. Smith ,
A. S1mpkin, ){. TwiS!g, X. Tbomp;;on, E. TaiiJI'If,, A. Town.;cnd ,
L. l'pton, X Walk~>r, R. Wtlro'<, I!'. Willlams. R ·whatmore,
E . Kjd!:'on, A. '\'oakes, G. Roberts, E. Sotuerncld, T-. Sunnock,
.\. TuruPr, I!'. Withnll. S. \\ lld.
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