The Landswoman June 1919 | Page 24
}une 1919
Droltwlcb (Worcestershire) Land GfrJs• Club
\'En Y '' , -- f 11 l'nt~>rtmnm( nt
21Wn on r hur•fl ~},
\pnl !! lth, 10 th• Fn~r .,trl't't :\LJ-.-JOn Hoorn, JJy mrtnlJI'rs
of lh~' DroJtl\JI'h J.nnd .\rmy C'luh. I:.:-lnr, the tlr<•t r.trort of thr.
.land, onw ntt'\.rtv 11a~ felt hv tht' promoter< n~ to Jt8 !lllr•~"
(Of o•hen\i!>C), and it \\&S thi'Tcfore HOt ),ITjZdy 11Ch<'T11Sf"fl.
Jlowc .... r, orl- wry ent>r~• ti<"allr '-Oifl tl<'t.;et--nf the lliCHir· t
price oi 1•. ~~ - and th .. lllO'>I. nt1•f \dory '-Um or ~5 1:..". 011
wa re 115ell. 1 hl' J•ro.zmmmP, wi•Jch wa- u wry· ntrncth•• mw,
uc! lnl'lud.~u """~· dnnc".f'<~, <'horn•~'"• I"'Cit.ltJOn·· annnan nnd \f ('urtl"', nil fJ! \\ho•H •le l'r\1'<1
flu• lwartv tpplanot> \1 I•Jc·h follo\H•d t':lrh itt•m. \r,...... \ Jhlll.
\ .JIIAI!'•' H•l!' ... trar for flv• dt:-frt<'t, \\ho unrlertook th•• mu~tral
trunml:( ot th!' ~·rl .... \l'ry l.tuul, ad('•! n» l'<',t••, :md
\f1 11 ·'· llnll .1 "~tar manager :' Thl' ~um JCIIII"f'Cl <'n·•hl"~ thr
Ur()Jt\\lrh ('1nl• tf, }>(' entudy '-4~lf-c:.upportinJ,!, .1nd at lhl' !.llml'
tJffil' 14'ftW~ a ~,,thh•ctof"\
11,\(a.nre in hnncl
\fter tht~ '111N'C' •
ttu• ~·ri" 1el'l Pnrourn~•·d to Ot'1Z:lni...C nnothrr rnt~>rt.unnu•nt on .L
tar)( r •r,,h• to t,\J.;c pln<'t' probahl.} <·arl,\ m Jun<'.
West Riding of Yorkshire Land Girls' Club,
Leeds Area
'n;E'I I!' 0 wa.; hrlrl nt the 1lme R' Club to form 1\ U!nd
t:trl 'Cluh forth" worl,er.. •n thP lll'tp;hbourhood