The Landswoman June 1919 | Page 10

• /unt. 1919 THE LA~DS\VOMAN The Pressing and Preserving of , Wild Flowers • HL · "n \ ('~· fn.,t·mnt tng ho b by to nw. 'fhl'l'c " OH r 1, H)l) d ifiL·n·nt kind . . of ' ' ild flo,H'N n tht• L"mtc.:d K mgd om, of wha•h l h an•' fo und . prt""t'o, T hen l pu t i t in m y }ln""" (R 11.) T Wander· Thirst F\ ()'\]) tlw <'n.;t t lw -..nmH', bt•yontl tlw \\\~ t t he "( 11, • \ n d Ul"t nnd "''"t tlw " '"Hil'r- tlurst thnt \\tll not kt l\H' h•' : Tt "ork~ in llll' h kc m ntlnt•"-:. denr, to btd me •' Y good -bw : Po r t lw ~<~n .. en 11. nnd t lw "t 11' " t•nll, nnd oh ' t ht tall B of t lw ..,)t • \. 1\\ n ot" ht'l't' t hCI ''lu te rontl rnntt, nor whn t t ht him• lull q ill'\'. Uut n mnn c·nn h nH' tht• 1'\11\ for frH.·ml. nnd fot· lu~ lo(\H th• 11 ... tnr; \th l th<•tt•'::< no l'tHl of ' oyn~1 ng, "lwn o tH't' tht• 'oH• f' t>~ lwn td , Forth£' Tl\t' t'CI\JL .. , und the ron.d c all~'>~, and oh! t he t•nll of n bn-rl. 8- \ H 1 dc•r 1 the• Ion '! hori?t)l\ lit•:-, a n d tlH' I'(' hy n ight l\llll d.w ~trong wooch •n l>o nrc h; (Jl.) Pt~"'Ri n ~ pnpt•r: ( C.) (Jlamp- laym g tho flowt•r, hchH·cn s lll L· t~ of very absorhcnt paper (only t o bt• obtatncd ftom ()ne fi rm [ know of ). Blo tting paper can })(' u,t•cl, Lut no t with :->uch good r<'sult-.. 1 t hen ~-~ra\ CS of th(' plauh. 1 nh,t.y:' o pt·n the p rc-.s in twenty-fo ur h ou r:-, whNt you w11l find 1t 1s the n a "-cry <.· a~y m at h r t o nrrnngt• the p la nt t· ~a<' tly ru,J you want Jt. Xow I1mt the damp on t o th(' prC!'!'I ngaHl and h ghtC'n up. BH•ry tc•n h ours 1 turn the nob or ha ndle of tlH' cl a m p round O JH t '. -.o g(·tt i ng a gradual JnrrNl,..t' of pre :-un·. Towa rd tht· £'nd of th£' tiNt Wt•t•k of P"'!-::m g you <> nght to tind (If yo ur d amp) <; ~ t ro ng t•nouFth) that ~ou wtll hn'<' to w.c• a lc.>Hr for t 1ghtt m ng m tHk \'\ ///////~ <~ut o f H pw(·c• of wood . \\tth n ho1t tn thc.> cP nt n• for tht• h<"ud nf th£' damp to tit tn . X t• \ (•r t ni..P tht• t i <.1\\ 0 T ... out of tlw vn·~~ unttJ tlll y a« a b-.o lut ~ly dry n nd hn t th•. ~mall and th111 pla n t" :~\H h ~ ~ ht<'k\Ht· d. daby and \t'tC'h<'" takt• nho ut th rct• \\cob to g(•t propt•rly dry. oth('IN, ~u<' h a" k n"t'l, take qwte two month". Fl o \H' rs lwlonging to tho l){)llPY trilx· nre tbo wo~t to pnss IU' they haHl to be pntltlNl nnd prt•!(<.:.t•d bc hn <'ll oilt•d pa JX•r. \\'h,·n t oll<·<·hng flO\\('~ for pn•s,mg 1t lA f\<'ld o m n ~c 1 "' ~n1y to puJ1 tht• plant up by 1t~ l'Oot. Ho\\· .- H 't. cnrE': ~ ho uld Ot' taken to lllcludt• h•n Y <'~ and tin\\ t' l und Jo wl•r lt•tH'<' ~ at th(' haRt of t ht• plnn t. Tht• plnnt tc huuld tlwn l><· put into n. " ' ,...,<•ulum Q f n1r·ttgbt tm box : If tht• bottom of it t l' t'OH ~d hj 11 s hc·(•t of wl.'t hlottmg pnpc>r tht' 1l o wl't'~ \\Ill tl' mn i n C n •111h for hom ~. For tU' ntifying a mnii lio,,c~ it is tmpodant to b aH n " trun~ mn~nifying gln.q ~. the lC'lh l.wiug not m ore t hnu a u UJ <' h nnrl a half 111 diamcot<'r. I J% Till' old ,hip" tlrn' to honw agn tn, th<' younp: . . }up '-I\ I) t\\\ tlY ; • \ nd <'om£' I mnv. but go f mu ... t. and if nwn n ~ k , • 0 u • \d\\. \ ma' put tht• blnnw on t h<' ~ t a n; and t)w Kun. an cl t he • \\ h1 h.' road and t lw s ky ! t 11 G ER \LD G orLo, Th e 0 prll Ro,tcl. ! )l<'thucn .)