June, 1919
Some Garden Friends
1(1~:'11 Wl' -t lt't ~ trtl·
ar..· OO' l lttll ..
lrlltn to l't'l\llSI' the ho.ot or ~ ,h nul!
r alP am "t
dt<~Nlltccrted whr-n ~l'
cl• ~·~~~'" tit•' p;ud,.n laM to ronto ntl w1fh, hut 1t h' h"'f rtnll t~ tlmt
th \t om•• nt le 1 t , 111 the "•·r,.~p)'-<'r'\WIH•« • r,i th~ g~ml!"u an·
011r fr,cn•l"~,l\11 I it 1
our I)Wn .ntnc~r 1nd ['rofY t(, r •cognl~
arul kno" them
-.t'ln~h alhes
11houiiJ he t•nrou•.w~';..t>
ltfUh•, tlle!!, .md m.my hootlf). , or \\ hirh they con-ante auun:nense
OUIJtl)l' t .
The OommfJfl 01'1t(ipft/4 '"the wonderftllly a<..tl'l'"'
llltl•· crc .• ture
with n Ion~. homy brown hody 1111(1 what loo!; hk•• n (Y:rfect
frlng<' of lt-lt', hut In rrl\lltv th~>rf' art' on1r tlft.M·n [llltr~. It ha.'l
.. ,..ry po\\Hful )1\\lfll "n•l Is alJ(,,It a n Inch in l!"nl(tll Ho\V many
JM'O r>l" rnt'ltako t• for n fO", nnd yrt th<> Ctntl]>'!'l~' ti()l' no h.\nn
tJ) pl:lnt<~ : it CC'f•da (•ntll'f'ly on ~ub~ ~CJnn~ Md &urh ltJ...-.
Tit~ SW~{ I' Ctnliphil', l)ftJ\n fon.n•l with Ill*' C'ommrm ( '"ntlpPdc
h tlvn met" hl\lf to ttm•.- inchi'A lonf,t and hA .. a vPry M(l'nd"r holly
11nd from Gl tn 5:> p.llr~ of ll'jrll. It 1110\.<'1 wtth n wa\an~ rnotiOt;
from riqht to ll'ft, nnd INI.Vt'P n. tr,U"k l:lf t•nulnou-.. pbo.phorJc
ftultl bl>hmcl1t. It fr·NI~ on dl'rAy,.cl root .. r.ml ~~t:d~ and dcw.s no
harm to plant<
Tit~ Onrdtm ">tJt'''r -Toward· tit· Pncl of "'"Pt"mt~r thi' spro.lPn
l'plrt~'r nbotwd<~ and .plna larj:!l' \\ •IJ; owr thP hu-Jh,. ... m th"' garcl"u.
on sma ll rnothlll\nd fttt'll 3•td ~hould no•. ,,, !l•,tro)efl.
Till' })t••rl'' ('oflt"h·hnur Rfttl~ h t'l\ollr r I'WT\I""'d h\" at~
amusing h.\bit of raltl mg the htnd"'r f\1\rt of at:Jlon~ biAci.: bodv In
the nar wh~'n lutt>rf~>f""tl w•th. It -.houlc.l not be tll• 1n appo:·:1mnce, but. do not
r.tlng. Thrv are easil} known by their 1(1'1''\t :t(t ivlt\, dartlDst
:~.bout in th!' IIUn~hinP, 1md also from th~'tr habat of ,uddenlv
• howrm~ ·• o .. er the pl.l\nt-._ anrt then 1lart1ng awar to a fre-h
'>pot an COMnrnrd in lVI hour. 1h,. lAn 'l-e aro a yelloW'I~b-q~n
oolour. narrov. at th«' hr!\d. and wid~>ninrr to thr 11\tl. When
folly f!'li thl'y attach th<>J'lllj('l\1':- t.o a ll'af llnse pretty littlt- «earlrt beetk• with bl.t<'k
spots an• !.~mthar to rwn-onc. Tho se .. -eo-<;pott••d J..arl)·htrd I"
the mo~t commonly !\ern, but non.- of th~>m should bl' lntt-r!e"'d
with n, th!'y ft•rd on ~t'l'rnfty, one of thP mat "Mrnte~ of thll
Sweet Content
RT tltnu poor. ,yt>t L .-t thou golden slumber.,!
0 ncot cont<>nt !
\rt tlw t rich. Y"t i.- thy mind pcrplex'd !
0 pumo::hmcnt !
lJ • t thou lttu~h tn ,;cc· ho\\ fool . . n.f(' \'"t''C d
T o add to gold~n number., ~?olden numi.K·t· •
0 s weP-t cont{'nt! 0 !>\\<'et, 0 :-Wt>t'C <'Ont .. ntJ
\\'ork apace, apa.ct". apa~, apace ;
Honc9t lahour ~an; a IO\"f"ly face ;
Th1•n h~'' nontn nonny-ht' nonnv noun\·!
(J ~>WN·t cont~'nt
l IIRL"f} R.
v!l.\cuo at ml\y 1)1) . of tho tOilllt'n'lt' \\5/'fulnt>:.<~ •n the poiiiMhon
ot fruit h y our ttnMt fr•eml aud ally the Honl'l
Th1 n h(• that p:ttH.•ntly wstnC . . hurr{Pn I)(> tr •
~o bu rdf'n hear-.. hut,, a kin:r. a kiu.z!
() !-1\,ent content ! 0 ''H't·t. () •\\t:l't <'on'<>nt l
\\·o rk. ~pa('(•. a.pa(.,. , apace. apaet-:
U one . . t lahour l.l<'or ... a loH•h· fa<:•';
Th··n hn· ll(•nny nonny-h,·y nonn,· nonn' !
'1'1~ T1qer BcD/Z.,.-'I:hct11 nr.· four :-opt•rte<:. or: T•s:rr lx~tle to bA
found ln all lil(ht. nnd ~andy "011-. fM-e spot~'d ~<'tlr"< uncl
t.hclr larv.t• feed 1:nl{t'ly on jlruby ron,nnw t nnrmotb tfllantltir<~ of ltrt·ra>fh·.
lchncumo1~ PliJ -Tiv•re :nl' ,,,,·,•rnl l(il\<1" tJf •11,.,, .. ' U'\'Jn(t l'l
1!1/.t' from 1111 mch lonl( dO\\ O\\Otrt1 •
Tht'~ h,n1• lonsc -.){ url.f'r
hodtl'.., \~ttll nn tlVIposlt<>r :,lll•lhr to tlw '>tinS( 01 a w .. bylJ with
whlr h thn plt• rre the soft bodtP~ 01 rat<>rptllar-. ant d• JXl'ltt an
a.u l' ll:l( \\ hl'll thP grub ho.tdt""· 1t ft>t'd, on th<> il()t,h- oi th"
c:lt.'rpllilr ln tht" W'\Y ffi,lll\" (;lt"Cf'lllltl' lllihttntr rl tnb Ill t)lt'
gMI.Ien n['(' ~t ·,t Nw~tl 1<-hn •tmon flte'l , ltk.- 11.\Wk·fh"'"• can I '
@Ct'U "' hO\ f'r tn{( " 0\t'T tol.\1\t'.
Tltf' IAcl•r,,,'J
- Ou th" "hooh oi phn•, th<> "~tl' ot thl'
ftllook llkt• lln<' ~httt• h \t~'> wttl~ a httle kholt 01t tno> t>nrl Om
o th 'Sl' "knob"" th•• J,u, l' hatch ; th,.t" ,\r"P p.ll bro''· n w1th
browny .. lnuu.t•• ~pot.•, ~ntl haYt' tufts oi h.ur on Ptth r ~tu'!' ot
thetr body. Th<"y an, ''or:v·tnu,. Crto.l••f'. on t!r~··nfly . fit~ P' rff't t
Uy as n b.!.\uhtul ht"'-'<'t. Tt h.a" a Ion~ ,.J•n•l r IHJ•ly \\ tth p ,,,,
gree n l(.tuzr wmg~ nnd s:old••n rye,.
The 'l',~lltcdZ.t .Slug j,.. the con ne• tln.:t hnk i.let.,....VU -1~ :ml.l
lt h:\'1 n <~rnl\ll car-,Jt.~p:·d ,IJPII ou 1t' hm·l~r e:-..tr<'nttt\
They nr<• ~uhlt>rranrAn m hahlt:- and i~~>u 1111 ,.,lrth Wllllll"
(ollo'' ln~t tlw<~C m to thl'tr hoh·,
l'ht''-l' 'lU..:- •'"' wtt wrv plt•nt •·
{ulln t ht,., <'~ .-. ahout tlut>e ln~h••:o lou~. br01uJe l
at thl' t.atl, I\ till t \ dtrty ) llnu 111 <:oll:lur wltl\ bl'!)\\ n ~Jll"<·J,,
Momottm<'~ JHh· yt'llow . or bl.ll'k on.-~ MC seen. :rho ~n'yt"h
s hell i~ almO'It '\ qu:~rtJ.• r of nn anch lon;t
Cl\n,-,t clrmk th~ wat•·r-l of fh(: crt-.} i d ,pri ng ~
0 \H't t contl"nt!
f'w tm 't.t thou m Wf·alth, \"f t -.ink .. , t in tltlll•· O\H~
A N ew R ccn ut