The Landswoman June 1919 | Page 11

THE LANOSWO MAN'.; J une, 1919 The Heart of Midlothian of p~d"' In thP. 'oy ot .-. huOJIIII" tl\ k u the clt ~rlnl( flf '1 nd or t\\cl of I!Onlt' f''(ctJCdlngJy Al!ll•rtiVP. J{TOUnli!W!l, mav cumrthJtl'l ll:t.y •• now "ondt>rful 1l IS th;1t wo houl•t ha~ dor;c thlA " Otht!r' JII'Opl,. 111'--'tll_, thl' work1•n Ill?. lllcllnt' l'l'Ct'l\td wotni'n to1ltr1 for many l(c.!ll utlOM brfore u, who had no romradt>ahlpln an ar01y ~• an IOVI•Ihlf'l IIOllr<'t' of ~ta\'lng pow••r In weary day . Ahout a hundn·d \i•nnt ag•> ~1r WaltPr ~eott "roll' a taruoua no\'cl, Thr llrnrt of MldlrAhl'rtt, tht- h"WID" of wttlrh 111 a "oman farm workt•r, a girl '~ho 11pt•nt mot!t of hrr ttmr m thf'l f'o·.nhl'd anrt thl' cl:llrv, o. httln pl11ln «cQl<'h woml'n. but A hrroln" 'V~'TY ln•·h Jro.ntc• llt·'\n i11 on•· of thr munort.1l ch.Arftrt .. ra of ro~nce, and ont• that thP laotlworkr.r ml~ht 'rll adopt M hrr patron 111\lnt If llhP C'l\ll Ond th" p!!.tiPnC<~ that IS f)(>Thl\pt ne·e~-' 1.\T / OOW• adt\f~ to bring to tbl' rl'l\dll\lt ot "'eott'll no\rl~ . \'S'I>WOilKl-.. k'\ with th ftr t ftU!h I J .ll'hl~''~'"'"nt, """" 1t 1t he but such • Thl' har,• OIOti In the 1torr v. hlch show U8 the hf'rom~ a• th • good landwort.:tr ...,h .. was the daughtN of a emrlll farm(' r, whO' f rMt: \\lL~ hh h••rd, tn "'hlt'h -anrk Jel\nle W:\..'1 h1 nght hanll Shl' wa.' hnmgbt up to it frnm hrr eblldhood, and wa; accn,tomt'd tll p!'ndJn~t long bout"l \l~m th" common mlodmg th~> row~ "''lh hPr httlP d()jlt Du,til"foot to help h~"r, anr) her frtrnd Rt>uben for rompan) '<~Vtt dra'l\ a chrlrnnott tattle picture ot th .. t"-O childrt-n .... rawd ~uralh o. bloonunc bu4h of whtn, thrtr htt!P fa.ce-1 laid eiOI'I' t~etll('r under tll11 >~hadow of the ~am,. plaid drawn 0' er both the1r he&<.b, llhlle the 11\nd•cl\p.- aroun Jl:ft'W up Jeame managPd all tb~ da1ry worlc. anel bcCArn!' a brnon-J chPP~P makrr, but lw w1o; a.> wt•ll a,..,t•tct.lntl'd wath thr byrP, whrrP ~tlw tLi<'d to mtlk and fodder th,. c ttiP . -.he hAd a quick I'YC for all thl'lr wnn~. Jlr1'4JdiDI( O\l'r the ro~ ),..Ill wtth a loving ran- to whil'h thr anJnJAls r~p.mdt'li . After h~r evrntful journrv to Lonrton. whl'n ~hi' returm·d to thl' farm work. th" btthfill old woman "ho had bf't'n ~l'l.·m~ to th" «t~lc In 1\Pr place. hurrlrd hf'r olT at ontt to tht> rou ~hrtl. ''hcrG " (fflwan.OJ and tht• othr~ acknowll'dgl'd ht•r prr~N\rP b~ bo'l41og, turuln~ot round th"lr broad and dl'crnt btO\h "ho'n thr) lwartl her wdl·known "Pruh. my IPddy-pruh. my ~oman " IUld by vari0\13 lndkatlon~. kno'' o llnly t'ft homt, full or a n-,:ll'h, !lh~ ""~ able n~ verthrles:s, to ob!l"n·e and rcm,.mher what wa.~ lt-rful to hPr OCl'Op&tJon. Shf' nottoed the IJ.rye l'!traw honnc.>t.. v;orn hy th•• Eogh .. ~h g1~ "'orktllJI: m the Qchls. and. picked up a CumbP.rland n·mt•dv tor a ~1clt t.'OW from a gr&Zilr'a v.-1dow ~b." m~t. who "...eemrd ~ketl) about t.nrncd be t.s.'• Tb.- Dut.:~ o£ Ar)tvll, who llefrl~nded hf'r in Lowh1n, l\'&S l\ dt~­ ttnstu•~ht'd agnrulttutst, but he founol thnt ~:ohf' <':\mid gl\ e him to. gO<>ll d••&l ot mformt.t1on about dauy cow", and he ",., "0 pl<'a.t- d th,\ t h pronW•!'d her~ prt-Nlt ot t"o D(''\On.•IH~ CU\h ID ~turn. All through th!l '\tory Jl•amc l>.·&lh appear:> ooth all a ~>}.lli'Udldl}· brav~ wom m and a sklllt•d farm worker, but as qUil'tly mnu t M 11he wou wt:\,. and true. In ap1te of the 10 tnu~ tx-twccn th • l.'lght('rnth c<>ntury and the epoch of war \\htch lt.&S bron~ht tu on to tht' land. Wf' il'PI that Jeame Dun' w11l alwa\"1 rem1un a' thr ld•'al lnmlwork ·r. When th<' Duk•• uf .\rg) U brought h •r to lll'" lu'l wtf<" and da~q~hters. he I'UliUll..:d up hrr charartPr &"~ lt lmt>rt'"'''d 1\ll \\ho mrt h•'r. " \\ 1lh ~u tnmy ot young fcollowil a.OJ l(t\liant t~nll st('ady 111 11he lll, and a Rvod ca.Ute, ( "ould not Crar t.wu to on " hi' «aiel, anu laugh m~ I) \\l~brd tu• own daughtc~ " had half her canny homely Sl'nst>.' A-; IOU!( IL" we go to wotk 11\ bl'<'eche~ and leggiug~ ma) l\C .Wo bl' 11uch gniiA ut a ud o;tf'&dy young fellow• I 0 T he Mo rnln• Waah A Village Billet 1~ it\ V l:.f .. I,T ~ 1, nloot! !hP ro.lll h ~t. Pe~r, ~ mn~ht th 'cmn•l nf f.1lltns:: warer, an•l :1 our trJrt()r n •l"!d<>cl tlllmsr ''"' dr w hl'r up to th' r•)o"\d.,htl' nwl w•nt down a httle to po,wct I t.'"' on ,\ ,JOJX' lf" a ,..atcrhll, a thnf.(-h,.,l Cl)tt.<\~' la>·· rw•llowcd 1,~ tint~' to a del'p crr;lro,. hue, and ~t itt u ~·lrll~n of IIO\\ ·~. \I(J.In·t tall hollyhO!'k~ ami sllnlln\\,.ri old- ! ''h•onPd ~traw I)PI'·hh •'>~ .... tO«.lli, n hL'\C'k mt dozPd on the wmllow· !illl. nu(·~ nnd blr·l~ ,,n•l r