The Kingdom Project presents: Sparks of Glory (February, 2014) | Page 5
So often we are concerned about what
others think about us, whether or not they
like us and more importantly, what they
say about us. Many times, we can make
the mistake of identifying ourselves with
who others say we are or what traits they
may stick on us. The problem with this is
that the standards of others will never be
the standards of God. Therefore, when
we try to fit into what persons think we
should say or do, we are pleasing Man
and not God. Regardless of what anyone
says or thinks about you, the only thing
that matters is what God thinks and says
about you. But truly, “What does He say
about you?” and “How do I know exactly
what He thinks about me?” When we
look into a mirror, we see a reflection of
ourselves as we are at that present
moment. This is simply how we know
what we look like. God’s Word, in the
same way shows us what we look like