The Ketogenic Dialogue The_Ketogenic_Dialogue | Page 14

Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed Pasture-raised animals are initially fed grass. Grass-fed animals continue to feed on grass while grain-fed animals are switched to grains later. Grass-fed meat is lower in fat but higher in Omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, C, and E. It is preferred to buy grass-fed meat and butter. Grass-fed butter is an anti-inflammatory energy source, contains Vitamin A and doesn’t raise cholesterol. Grain-fed butter, conversely and unless organic, is inflammatory and possibly full of pesticides, hormones, and GMOs. Never use margarine as it is a hydrogenated junk food with no nutritional value whatsoever. Fruit Fruit seems like a sound healthy choice, right? And it’s so yummy! I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but fruit is mostly sugar and will keep you out of ketosis. It’s basically nature’s candy. There’s really no need for fruit since you can get the same nutrients in vegetables without the carbs. But if you love fruit like I do, just choose low-carb fruits such as raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, plums, clementines, cherries, kiwis, lemons, and limes. Bananas and grapes are the highest-carb fruits there are. 14