The Ketogenic Dialogue The_Ketogenic_Dialogue | Page 13
Heavy cream, hard cheeses, butter, and cream cheese are staples in keto, but not everyone can
tolerate dairy. Dairy is essentially milk from a mammal. We are nourished by our mother’s
breast milk after birth while our bodies still produce the enzymes required to use it properly.
However, after two years, our bodies will stop producing those enzymes so we no longer need
the milk. So why do we switch to another mammal’s milk? Cows don’t swap over to another
animal’s milk to feed their young after they’re done nursing, so why do we? Have you ever
thought about that?
After years of experiencing bouts of asthma-like symptoms, sinus inflammation, eczema, and
fatigue, and years of doctor’s visits and lab work that revealed nothing that could explain it, I
have realized that I am intolerant to dairy. You may also be intolerant if you have flare-ups of
acne, inflammation, constipation, abdominal cramping, gas, bloating, increased cholesterol,
fatigue, skin itchiness, eczema, ear infections, sinus inflammation, and Candida issues. You may
also experience weight loss stalls.
~As you eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet, it will be easier to pinpoint any food allergies
you may have. ~~
To find out whether or not you are dairy-intolerant, you can try going dairy-free for a month
then slowly add dairy back in. You may choose from non-dairy and vegan fats and other food
sources, or you may decide that the Paleo Diet is a better fit for you (discussed later in this guide).
There are some simple substitutions you can make such as using coconut oil instead of butter, and
using coconut or almond milk instead of cow’s milk. Some things are easy enough to find at
your local grocery store while others are not. I will gladly provide links to buy some delicious
non-dairy alternatives at the end of this guide to make it easier for you to find what you need.