The Journal Of Political Studies Volume I, No. 3, March 2014 | Page 37

opposition. After this is done emphasis must quickly be placed on political reform and socio-economic development. This will legitimize the intervention and remove the base for insurgency. If the order is hampered, unequally distributed or not well coordinated then the entire process can be derailed. Military security without economic and political reform will lead to an insurgency. While too little military securitization and only a political and poorly secured development will lead to ineffective reform and later failures.

VVMore specifically with regards to security, it is important that it is channeled into a human security element. This means not only securing military operations, but also making sure that justice and the prevention of civilian local level crime and ambient violence are the number one priorities for security forces 2, 11. From this the local population will have not only the perception but also the reality of real security and the foundation for trust in an intervention force12. With regards to political intervention, reforms that are made must be made to coincide with local culture, and be representative to all regions and groups within the country. Insurgency is based from political and cultural roots. So its solution is to solve the core issues, not just dealing with military confrontation. If a newly created political reform is seen as ineffective and not representative of the communal will, it will not be respected and the opposition will attack it13. Finally, with regards to development, aid systems must be put into place but they must be sustainable. High priced, extremely audacious and unmaintainable projects merely help the opposition by promoting corruption and showing the flaws in interventionist policy. Instead, coordinated economic development that seeks to employ a bottom up, local level, and basic development is ultimately more sustainable and productive to overall goals14, 15.

8811. Ledwidge: 2009

8812. Kain: 2013

8813. Harrison: 2009

8814. O’Connor: 2013

8815. Stewart: 2011