The Jorney 2020 -21 | Page 76

CHAPTER - 1 Dead ends



CHAPTER - 1 Dead ends

The last thing I remember was getting struck with a wooden rod on my head . Before I could turn back to see the person who struck me , I went unconscious . When I opened my eyes I was in a small hut made out of wood . It was dark and only a single beam of light coming from a hole in front of me .
I stood up holding the wall , my head was hurting and everything appeared faded to me . I started walking towards the hole from which the beam of light appeared . As I moved forward , it started to stink , I looked around and saw something lying right next to me . I walked towards it , as I got closer to it the smell grew worse . I bend down to give it a look . It was a dead rat getting eaten by ants , looking at it I felt like vomiting . I moved from that spot , trying to cover my nose to get rid of the smell .
As I walked towards the hole , I realized that the light came out from a keyhole of a door . Tried all possible ways to open the door , but it was locked . I started to bang on the door , but it didn ’ t work . Kept on banging harder and harder . After a while , my arms started to hurt . I sat down on the floor , as the light from the hole had gone . It was sure that the sun had set and the night had fallen . The clicks of bats flying outside could be heard . It became very dark as there was no light . The rapid beating of my heart could be heard .
I searched my pocket for something as it was my last hope for getting out . My phone is missing . The only things I had was a mini torch that I always carry , and a pocket notebook was also to be found . I turned the torch on and started to search around for something strong enough to break open the door .
Nothing was to be found . As I pointed the torch towards
the roof , all of a sudden a flock of bats started to fly here and there .
I got to see a huge bat , so big that it could knock me down with just the flap of its wings . It was going down a big hole at the other end of the hut . Never realized there was a hole over there all this while . The only thing in my mind that time was ,’ this would be my way outside ’. Before I could take a step forward , the bats followed their leader and went into the hole . They came out flying from every corner , edge and rooftops of the hut .
I slowly started to walk towards the hole . I pointed the torch down into the hole . Somehow managed me to pass through the hole . I crawled into a big thorny bush . I used my hands to separate the tiny , thorny branches to walk out of it . Knowing that I am out of that old stinky hut made me relieved . But that feeling didn ’ t last much longer
It ’ s a very big forest , wherever I look I could only see trees . Bats flying around here and there , hoots of owls . It was a very scary atmosphere . I thought of running , but which direction should I run . Anyway , I can ’ t stay in this place , without thinking twice I started to run in a random direction .
Running was the thing I hated the most , it makes you feel a lot exhausted . I was very hungry . The grumbling of my stomach could be heard . I extended my hand to reach a branch lying right next to me . I walked forward with the help of the branch . After walking a long distance I could hear the rippling of water .
I started walking towards it . When I reached near the river , I started to drink water from it , as if I ’ ve not drank