'the Imjin magazine' Winter 2023 ARRC Imjin Magazine_A4_32pp_Winter23_for web | Page 29


Doctor ’ s surgeries ( dental practices / hospitals )
Dependents should register with a Doctor ’ s Surgery when they move into the area . A list of surgeries nearest to your SFA is noted in the SFA Area Information Booklet in the Welcome Pack . To register , complete the online registration form or call the surgery directly for assistance with the process . Full information and details can be found on a surgery ’ s website .
When registering , dependents should take their immunisation record , translated where possible . They should also provide 2 forms of evidence to confirm their identities and address ( e . g . passport , driving licence , National Insurance card , NHS card , recent bank statement , utility invoice , correspondence from a Government Dept ).
Dependents should inform the surgery ( or dental practice / hospital department if appropriate ) when moving from the area , providing the date of departure . To ensure you retrieve family medical records prior to departure , complete a Subject Access Report ( SAR ) form obtainable from the surgery . Deregistering your family will ensure places are available for new families and will enable surgeries ( practices / departments ) to update their records .


Housing Service Personnel ( SP ) in an area of their choice on arriving at Imjin Barracks is difficult at any time of the year . Although every effort will always be made to achieve a SP ’ s aspiration , it is not always possible . On occasion there is simply insufficient housing stock available in the desired location .
It is important to note that all future SFA pre-Move Out and Move Out appointments should be made as soon as possible . SFAs cannot be reallocated until a resident has booked both appointments , and a pre-Move Out taken place .
A delay in booking either appointment has significant knock-on effects . Not only does it hamper the HO ’ s ability to identify vacant properties to ensure a timely and efficient Move In plan , it can :
● Prevent a SP being allocated a property in the location of their choice .
● Condense the time needed for an individual from both the UK and overseas to organise their travel and house move arrangements .
● Potentially cause children of school age to miss the start of the new academic year .
● Disrupt a SP ’ s Induction Training into ARRC .
Departure information
Please inform your child ( ren )’ s school when moving from the area , providing your date of departure . This will help inform the school of the availability of places for other families .
School applications
IInformation regarding local schools , the admissions process , application forms and guidance booklets can be found at : School admissions - Gloucestershire County Council . Please also contact PNPO Beverley Simon Beverley . Simon101 @ mod . gov . uk for further information .
Outgoing residents should also be aware that on departure of SFA , Pinnacle and Vivo contractually have 15 working days to make ready a property for the next resident adding further delay to the Move In process for subsequent residents .
If you have any queries about the application process , booking pre-Move Outs and Move Outs or other housing issues , please do email : Arrcphq-pnpolicycellmailbox @ mod . gov . uk
Imjin Station Community the imjin WINTER 2023