Service family accommodation
Pinnacle and Vivo Monthly Reach Out Meetings
Representatives from both Pinnacle and Vivo hold monthly Outreach Meetings and Coffee Mornings in the Innsworth Community Centre . The visits provide an opportunity for anyone experiencing SFA issues to discuss matters directly with the contractors responsible for SFA repair and maintenance . Details of the dates and times of these visits can be found in HQ ARRC Bulletins and on the Imjin Station Community Facebook site .
Redirect your mail
To redirect your mail to your next address , follow the link for full information , application form and costs ( note at least 5 working days ’ notification is required ):
www . royalmail . com / personal / receivingmail / redirection
Previous occupants ’ mail
If you receive mail addressed to the previous occupant , cross through the address and write : ‘ NOT KNOWN / NO LONGER AT THIS ADDRESS , RETURN TO SENDER ’ and put the letter into a post-box ( note it is illegal to open the correspondence ).
Utility Bills . If the correspondence is from a Utility Company e . g . gas , electricity , water , please take the correspondence to the Welfare Office . They will forward to the relevant DIO department for their action .
Living in SFA – are you insured ?
When living in SFA , licensees are strongly recommended to arrange insurance for a number of reasons . These include :
a . Their potential liability to DIO Accommodation up to a maximum of £ 20,000 . As personnel occupy SFA and Substitute Service Family Accommodation ( SSFA ) under a Service Licence to Occupy agreement ( known as a Licence to Occupy ) they are not classed as a tenant and therefore standard home insurance policies do not cover the potential liability . The Services Insurance & Investment Advisory Panel ( SIIAP ) has provided a web page detailing a number of insurance providers who can organise policies that have been designed specifically for SFA occupants . The web page can be found at www . siiap . org / members-directory
b . Their personal property and that of any spouse / civil partner or child ( ren ).
c . Their liability to third parties in respect to injury to them and damage to their property ( the requirement for this SFA liability insurance is stated in JSP 464 Vol1 Part 1 Chap 6 - Para 0605 - Licence to Occupy , and the contactor SFA Handbook )
Participating Nations Policy Cell
The Participating Nations Policy Cell ( PN Pol Cell ) delivers advice , administrative services and documentation to Participating Nations ( PN ) Service Personnel on a wide range of areas . For the most part , these are related to housing allocations , vehicle registration , tax entitlements , education , banking and healthcare . Our aim is to facilitate the successful integration of PN Service Personnel and their families into UK life and provide continued support and assistance throughout their posting in the UK .
The PN Pol Cell comprises a team of four civilian personnel and our offices are located in HQ ARRC ( G1 ), with the Housing Officer working from the Welfare Office . The Housing Officer post is currently gapped following the retirement of Mr Paul Wheable ; however , his work is currently being covered by the Unit Welfare Office and the PN Policy Cell staff in the HQ .
We hope the following updates are of interest but please do contact us with any queries you may have and we will do what we can to assist - our contact details are listed below .
PN Policy Cell contacts
Staffs working from home and / or in office , please contact by email initially . PN Policy Officer ( PNPO )
PN Policy Support Officer ( PNPSO )
Housing Officer ( HO ) PN Policy Clerk (( PNPolClk )
Housing Officer – Retirement
Beverley Simon beverley . simon101 @ mod . gov . uk Joanne Draper joanne . draper869 @ mod . gov . uk
arrcphq-pnpolicycell-mailbox @ mod . gov . uk Richard Moore richard . moore114 @ mod . gov . uk
On 20 September we bid a sad farewell to our Housing Officer , Mr Paul Wheable . Paul joined the Civil Service in 2013 after 38 years of service in the RAF . Paul has worked incredibly hard to house our Service Personnel , and UK and PN personnel and families alike will miss seeing him cycle around the estate ! We would like to thank him once again from all of us and we can reassure you that he is very much enjoying his retirement
Export / Sale of UK Registered Vehicles . PNs should contact the PNPSO before the export / sale of a vehicle to confirm the current processes at least 8 weeks prior to departure . PNPSO , HMRC and DVLA must be notified when PNs export / sell their VFR registered vehicle at end of tour , so that their vehicle record can be closed and fuel tax claims finalised . This applies to imported new / used vehicles and UK purchased new / used vehicles . PN personnel are to notify PNPSO , who will notify HMRC on their behalf . PN personnel are to notify DVLA themselves .
New Arrival PNs - Import of Vehicles into the UK . HMRC must be notified of the import of a vehicle within 14 days of its arrival in the UK . This notification is completed by the PNPSO who should be notified within 5 days of arrival . The PNPSO will then register the vehicle with HMRC initially , and then with DVLA . Please be aware that the process takes approximately 6 weeks .
New Arrival PNs – Purchase of UK Vehicle . When a PN purchases a vehicle in the UK , if If a PN purchases a vehicle in the UK , and they wish to claim duty free fuel for the vehicle , they must notify PNPSO of the purchase so that a PN / vehicle record can be set up .
Please contact PNPSO joanne . draper869 @ mod . gov . uk for queries re vehicle processes or further information .
28 WINTER 2023 the imjin