'the Imjin magazine' Winter 2023 ARRC Imjin Magazine_A4_32pp_Winter23_for web | Page 27


PRODUCE LESS MOISTURE Ordinary daily activities produce a lot of moisture . To reduce this :
● Dry clothes outdoors if possible .
● Avoid drying clothes indoors or if you have to , dry them on a clothes airer in the bathroom with the door closed and either an extractor fan on or a window slightly open .
● Vent tumble driers to the outside ( never into the home ) or buy a condensing type .
● Cover pans when cooking and do not leave kettles boiling .


REMOVE EXCESS MOISTURE Always wipe the windows and window sills of your home every morning to remove condensation . This is especially important in the bedroom , bathroom and kitchen - just opening the window is not enough .
VENTILATION It is important to remove condensation and excess moisture by ventilating rooms . You can ventilate a room without making draughts or causing it to become cold . To do this , you may only need to open the window slightly or use the trickle vent . This allows warm moisture laden air to escape to the outside and let cool dry air into the property . Tips to help with Ventilation :
HEATING In cold weather , the best way to keep rooms warm and avoid condensation is to keep low background heat on all day rather than short bursts of high heat when you are in the house .
● Always ventilate or open a window when using the kitchen or the bathroom and close the doors to prevent moisture in the air from spreading to other parts of the house . Continue to ventilate these rooms for a short time after a shower , bath or cooking and keep the door closed !
● Open bedroom windows for up to one hour as soon as you get up .
● Clear window sills of clutter that will restrict opening the window and prevent surfaces from being wiped .
● Leave space between the back of furniture and cold walls for air to circulate . Ventilate cupboards and wardrobes , and avoid overfilling them as this prevents air circulating .
Link to guide to preventing condensation , damp and mould
A guide to preventing condensation , damp & mould
Condensation is usually the biggest cause of damp within homes .
No-one thought that autumn would be a quiet season , with Ex STEADFAST JUPITER dominating the calendar , but it is astonishing to look back and see just how much has happened other than that . Since the end of summer leave I have been involved in battlefield study trips , academics weeks , a retreat to Lee Abbey in gorgeous Devon ( highly recommended as a family break , as well as a personal retreat ), Remembrance services in Belfast , as well as Churchdown / Gloucester , and a meeting of senior chaplains from 7 ( UK ) Brigage , 37 Panzergrenadier Brigade in Germany , and 3 ( UK ) Div and the Acqui Division in Italy . This was a wonderful opportunity to get to know chaplains who may have to work closely together in the future and to learn how chaplaincy is delivered in different national contexts .
Such activity and busy-ness can easily distract us from things that are just as important in life , such as building and maintaining strong family bonds , developing personal faith , and those activities which help us to flourish rather than simply exist . The Christmas season can be just as challenging , with expectations of fun , festivities and everything fabulous , none of which ever really match reality . As we make plans for time spent away from work , with those we care most about , it might also be a good time to reflect on what gives us peace of mind and soul , as well as physical rejuvenation . As a Christian minister , I will be taking many Christmas services over the holiday period , but doing what I know I was made for , and being with my church family gives me joy . Wherever you go , and whatever you do over the leave period , I hope you can find your joy too .
the imjin WINTER 2023