NHS 111 Service
There are many choices of healthcare services available in Gloucestershire , particularly for minor ailments . It is important to remember that Hospital Emergency departments are there for serious injuries and emergencies .
If you ’ re unsure of the health service you need , information & details can be found at the Advice ASAP website and the NHS 111 Service . You can also receive advice and treatment at a Minor Injuries & Illness Unit and Gloucestershire Out of Hours Services .
The Out of Hours Service provides medical advice and treatment to residents and visitors when doctors ’ surgeries are closed . The service is open , Monday-Friday 1830hrs-0800hrs and Saturday / Sunday / Bank Holidays – 24hours . The Service is contacted by calling NHS 111 .
The NHS 111 Team will assess your condition over the phone and if it is clinically appropriate , they will refer your case to the Out of Hours Service . The Service with then either refer you or give you -
● a further clinical assessment by telephone
● a face-to-face appointment at a Primary Care Centre to see a doctor
● a home visit from one of their doctors
● referral to an Urgent Treatment Centre ( UTC )
www . gloucesteroutofhours . nhs . uk
Advice ASAP
Advice ASAP ( App , Search , Ask , Pharmacy ) is available at www . asapglos . nhs . uk and also as an app . On the Advice ASAP website , you can search for local health services - pharmacy , doctors ’ surgeries , Gloucestershire Out of Hours Service , Gloucester Health Access Centre , Community Minor Injury & Illness Units and Emergency depts , or search by medical conditions A-Z or by symptoms .
NHS 111 Service
111 is the NHS non-emergency number ; its fast , easy & free . NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day , 365 days a year . Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones .
When you call NHS 111 you will speak to a fully trained adviser , supported by health clinicians . They will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and give you the healthcare advice you need or direct you to the local service that can help you best .
If the NHS 111 advisers think you need an ambulance , they will immediately arrange for one to be sent to you .
Registering with a doctor ’ s surgery
When you move into the area , your spouse and family members should register with a Doctor ’ s Surgery . A list of Surgeries nearest to the SFA area where you live is noted in SFA Area Information Booklet in the Welcome Pack .
To register , you should telephone the Surgery and the Reception staff will explain and assist with the registration process . Do check the Surgery ’ s website for further information . Your dependants will need to provide 2 forms of evidence to confirm their identities and address . These could include : passport , driving licence , National Insurance card , NHS card , recent bank statement , utility invoice , correspondence from a Government department . Dependants will also need to provide their history of immunisations . Please contact the PN Pol Cell should you require further information when registering with a surgery .
Innsworth Medical and Dental Centre
The Medical and Dental Centre located on Imjin Barracks is where all Serving Members of HM Armed Forces receive their Primary and Occupational health care . We run routine clinics with Doctors , Nurses , Physiotherapists and Exercise Rehabilitation Instructors on a daily basis Mon-Fri for service personnel .
There are many ways to access us . You can call for an appointment on 01452 712 612 x5999 whether that be face to face or telephone appointments . You are also able to use the e consult for routine issues . Please see https :// econsult . net where you can submit questions , repeat prescriptions and non urgent issues . There is also an email service for repeat prescriptions as long as your annual medication review is in date . Our email address is UKStratCom- DMS-DPHC-INW-Grp @ mod . gov . uk and is monitored through the working day and should be used for non urgent issues .
Please contact us to discuss smoking cessation , weight management , NHS screening eligibility , over 40s health checks , cervical cytology , mental health , contraception , sexual
You should call 111 if :
● You need medical help fast , but it ’ s not a 999 lifethreatening emergency
● You don ’ t know who to call for medical help
● You don ’ t think it can wait for an appointment with your doctor , or you don ’ t have a doctor .
For immediate , lifethreatening emergencies , continue to call 999 .
health , pregnancy care , MSK issues , vaccines , audios and any other health concern you have . You can also vitsit www . hlsglos . org for more help and advice on some of these topics .
All staff at the Medical Centre would like to thank our Service Users for their patience during this phase we are going through with the refurbishment of the Medical and Dental Centre . We have been in the temporary facility since mid February and are due to move back to the main Medical Centre in September ( subject to change ). We have less clinical space and some administration facilities restricted , but would like to remind all our Service Users that we are still offering all the usual services and encourage people to contact us if needed .
Please see below the QR code for our survey , we appreciate any feedback from our service users , good and bad so we can improve our facilities and the care we give .
30 WINTER 2023 the imjin Imjin Station Community