'the imjin magazine' Summer 2021 | Page 10


Exercise DEFENDER 21

Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Allen
Lt Col Nathan Webber conducting Battle Staff Training on Ex Defender Europe 21
After months of training and preparation , against a backdrop of uncertainty caused by COVID-19 , a team of almost a hundred personnel from the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps ( ARRC ) deployed in May to Bucharest , Romania , on Exercise Defender 21 . The aim for ARRC was to help build the capacity of a new Corps headquarters , the Multi- National Corps South East ( MNC-SE ).
This exercise was to be a little different from those that ARRC staff have experienced of late . Firstly , on this occasion the team from Imjin Barracks were not the main focus , but the supporting act ; both to Romanian counterparts and also to a much larger United States exercise , Defender Europe , involving 28,000 troops from across 26 nations . Secondly , as opposed to recent exercises in the UK , this deployment was very much focused on security in the Black Sea region in Eastern Europe . This would require a change of mindset in addition to taking on board a whole new set of operational considerations .
As ARRC ’ s Deputy Commander , Major General Lorenzo D ’ Addario , said in a visit to Romania ’ s 2nd Infantry Division : “ We are here to learn and get to know the people we fight with , and this is very much the strength of our alliance .”
This meant that pre-deployment training had to be different too . The ARRC team trained in coaching and mentoring , as well as honing their warfighting skills . Part of that process included learning about Tuckman ’ s stages of group development : forming , storming , norming and performing . 1
As the theory goes , this model begins with a team setting a common goal , or forming , and is followed by trust building ( storming ) and shared responsibility ( norming ). The forming of an integrated headquarters between ARRC and
MNC-SE began in the autumn of 2020 with initial conferences and staff training in Germany , Romania and the United Kingdom . This was followed in 2021 by a series of seminars in Bucharest , both headquarters planning and cooperating together . Even before the main exercise itself , a significant part of the combined team had been formed .
Storming suggests that the next stage of team development can be volatile ; indeed , some teams never get beyond this point . Fortunately , this was not the case in Romania . After deployment to Bucharest , a final Academics programme provided essential briefs and facilitated staff integration , before several organised visits boosted cooperation , mutual understanding and morale . This included a ‘ terrain walk ’ to view some of the ground , rivers , bridges and challenges , that the exercise would involve .
Ex Defender Europe Opeing Ceremony
1 Tuckman , Bruce W ( 1965 ). “ Developmental sequence in small groups ”. Psychological Bulletin . 63 ( 6 ): 384 – 399 .
10 SUMMER 2021 the imjin @ HQARRC Allied Rapid Reaction Corps