'the imjin magazine' Summer 2021 | Page 11

One Corps , one heart , one spirit
One Corps , one heart , one spirit
Obviously , no visit to Romania would be complete without a visit to Bran Castle ; disappointingly for some no encounters with Count Dracula were reported ! The scenic drive through Transylvania to get to the castle also included a visit to Peleș Castle , an enchanting building set in the Carpathian Mountains . Thereafter the focus was dedicated to exercise preparation , or Norming , when team members accept each other and cooperate . In the words of ARRC ’ s DCOS Support , Brigadier General Carlos Salgado , the result was : “ One Corps , one heart , one spirit .”
Arriving in Romania
The final stage of Tuckman ’ s process is performing , which in Defender 21 signified warfighting in a high-pressure command post exercise . This phase began in earnest with 4 days of Battle Staff Training where the team settled into the battle rhythm , learned how to use MNC-SE ’ s situational awareness tool and work-up combined planning . After this , a two-day ‘ Mini-Exercise ’ was conducted to allow the Operations Centre to run through their procedures and practise responding to operational concerns .
We then began the final push , a full-throttle exercise under the command of a US headquarters based in Germany . With MNC-SE on the left flank and V ( US ) Corps on the right , our combined forces began the advance north to clear Romania of enemy invaders – a scenario that would have been familiar to Dracula ’ s inspiration , Vlad the Impaler ! The overall objective for ARRC personnel was to be exercise players , to mentor our MNC-SE counterparts through recognised procedures , and pass on our recent experience as NATO ’ s corps warfighting headquarters . However , we also found the exercise to offer a huge number of lessons for ourselves ; operating in the Black Sea region with new partners was a fantastic developmental opportunity . With both MNC-SE and ARRC keen to learn from
each other , we were proud to combine in one collective high performance .
The commander of MNC-SE , Lieutenant General Tomita-Catalin Tomescu , said : “ The Defender 21 experience will obviously leave enduring memories for each of us . I will surely keep in my memory the quality offered by the integrated staff from both headquarters and the progress they demonstrated in a short period of time .”
Early preparation and engagement were key to ensuring the risk from COVID-19 was effectively managed . This started with two visits to Bucharest prior to the deployment to discuss , devise and mutually agree the force health protection measures . Medical staff from both headquarters worked closely together to ensure the COVID-19 risk was managed for all areas , including transport , accommodation , feeding and staff working areas . When the tempo increased there were challenges , such as potential overcrowding in meetings , but some dynamic changes such as moving map boards outside for briefings helped reduce the risk – even if the weather featured plenty of tropical storms , meaning that we didn ’ t miss for a minute our wonderful British weather !
As an extra layer of control staff conducted lateral flow tests every three days ; this gave a level of assurance that asymptomatic cases could be identified and managed early . Fortunately , and as an example of collective discipline , all results were negative . There was also a push before deploying to offer the vaccine to those who were unvaccinated or
HQ ARRC Staff at the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest
eligible for the second dose . In total 82 % ( 1st dose ) and 16 % ( 2nd dose ) of staff were vaccinated beforehand . The various measures put in place proved that despite the challenges from COVID-19 , Brigadier General Carlos Salgado ’ s motto proved true : “ We will win !”
MNC ( SE ) demonstrate a Wide-Wet Gap Crossing
The journey to providing Real Life Support to the exercise also started in January 2021 . After planning the accommodation , feeding , transport and medical support , the ARRC team deployed in May-June , heading out to Bucharest early as an advance party to set it all up .
While simple in design , the coordination had its challenges , with activities and accommodation split between different locations and a full day and night shift at work . A foundation to success was the early integration with both MNC-SE and the Romanian Army Support Battalion staff who controlled the vehicles and kitchen personnel .
All elements worked tirelessly to ensure that personnel were looked after , as well as met with a smile in the event of any problem . The team were also responsible for planning and delivering cultural visits to the Romanian Parliament , National Military Museum and both Peles and Bran ( Dracula ) Castles . These activities were thoroughly rewarding , each one offering its own unique insight into Romanian history . To summarise , a very enjoyable exercise which challenged and developed us all , solidifying our bond with MNC-SE and the Romanian Army and providing an insight into Romania ’ s proud and vast heritage .
the imjin SUMMER 2021