'the imjin magazine' Summer 2021 | Page 9


What is Project LELANTOS ?
Project LELANTOS started in September 2020 and involves the innovation of the deployed HQ to increase its survivability , command and control ( C2 ) and agility , working hand in hand with Defence Contractors to deliver a solution which will complement other UK and NATO Command Posts . LELANTOS is the Greek Titan god of moving unseen and hunting and that is what the project seeks to explore . Work is taking place across 4 pillars – manoeuvre shelters , communications and information systems ( CIS ) infrastructure , visualisation equipment and hybrid power solutions .
Success so far
Despite COVID 19 restrictions , the project has managed to deliver impressive outputs in the short time since its inception . The prototype shelter has been refined extensively to meet the demands of ARRC ’ s Tactical HQ Staff and includes a full suite of computers and monitors to allow digitised collaborative working . The solutions provided within the project pillars have been integrated using cutting edge technology – a challenge when meeting the high security standards required by Defence . Conscious of the environment , the power solutions are seeking to reduce
fuel consumption by 80 % against a comparable HQ . The results of this project are a self-sufficient , dynamic , modern and more environmentally friendly Command Post that is being demonstrated now on exercise . It ’ s not the finished product , the project aim is to build , test , learn and adapt , it has been an incredibly quick journey , with user feedback sought along the way as part of the development cycle .
Who is part of the team ?
The Project team is built up of personnel from HQ ARRC , HQ 1 ( UK ) Signal Brigade and 22 Signal Regiment . In addition , we are supported by leading industry partners CDW and Viasat UK – with many other secondary associates such as Cervus , Weatherhaven , Zero Alpha Solutions and Alpha56 . Such a large consortium of big names working together is a huge step forward in defence contracting which allows us to pick the “ best of breed ” Commercial Off the Shelf ( COTS ) equipment available to deliver a highly adaptable , modern solution .
Deployment on Exercise FLYING JAVELIN
In June , 22 Signal Regiment deployed on Exercise FLYING JAVELIN and demonstrated how they would work on the LELANTOS CP to deliver ARRC ’ s
Tactical HQ . This enabled us to directly compare the prototype solutions with existing services . The step change was immediately apparent , with rapidly enhanced set up times across the board , there is still plenty of work to undertake before we can fully deliver the rich services that are required by a cutting-edge Corps HQ . It has been impressive to see how the Regiment is overcoming challenges with tenacity and learning lessons that will shape the next phase .
What is next ?
Continued experimentation on FLYING JAVELIN including testing communications and heat and light signatures in a range of configurations . We have begun training 22 Signal Regiment soldiers on how to deploy the CP and will be exercising with the ARRC Tactical HQ Staff in July . This exercise will be the first time a Staff cell has had the opportunity to work in the technologically advanced LELANTOS Command Post .
Moving forward , the project team will be looking to increase the scope of the prototype and refine it into a finished product by the end of 2021 . It is anticipated that after being presented to a Defence wide audience , Project LELANTOS will shape how Command Posts look and operate in the future .
Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
the imjin SUMMER 2021