moments along the way though. “The
win over West Noble in over time to
win the conference was special,” said
that stepped up this year would have
Hunter. “We were playing very well
stepped up, so I could be surprised
then.” Another senior, Travis Dowdy,
about next years line-up. It just depointed out that game as the highlight
pends on how badly they want it and
of his high school soccer career.
how much they are going to work on
The team was very solid this year.
it,” said Schlabach.
They were best at scoring and movAs for next years team, Schlabach
has a little advice to give. “You have to ing the ball around. The goal keeping
give it your all and never give up. If you was also superb this year due to goalie
go in thinking you’re not going to win, Adrian Brandenberger. Most of the
scoring this year was by Hunter. As
you will come out a loser.”
well as juniors Austin Borg and Nate
Boys and Girls Soccer
The season has now ended and
The boys and girls teams did very
Hunter feels a bit sentimental after the
well this season. However, both seasons ended a little bit sooner than both last game of his senior year. “I will miss
the guys on the team this year. We
units would have liked.
had a really close group of guys. It was
“We had a good season,” said senior Dom Hunter, “it just ended a little awesome.” Frey added “I will miss just
bit sooner than we would have hoped.” playing the sport and of course being
with my great teammates.”
Another senior, Conrad Frey, said, “I
The team will be losing quite a few
thought we would make it past sectionals, but given the rest of the season I’m seniors for next season, but there will
be young guys ready to step up. These
happy with how it ended up.”
guys include Parker Fought, Jarret
The Warriors had some great
Sports Scoop ... cont. from 26
Slabach, and Nic Raber among others.
“They have a lot of potential and could
do really well if they want to,” said
Now that the season has come to a
close, Hunter has just a little advice to
pass down to his younger teammates.
“Go into every game like it’s your last
one and leave nothing behind when the
game is over.”
On the girls side of the ball, the senior led team did very well this season.
“The season lived up to my expectations,” said junior Brooke Schwartz.
“It would have been nice if we could
have gone farther but we made it to
regionals which is an accomplishment
in itself.”
The team had great chemistry this
year and according to Schwartz and
Kassy Zimmerman, everyone had a
great time together, playing hard and
winning. “The best part of the season
was probably playing in sectionals and
regional’s. However, it was honestly
a blast throughout the whole season.
continued on next page
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The Hometown Treasure · Nov.. ‘11 · pg 27