The Hometown Treasure May 2012 | Page 20

LaGrange County Council The LaGrange County Council met in Regular Session on Monday, April 9, 2012. The Public Defender Board requested the council consider establishing a Public Defender Budget for the payment of the public defender attorneys and their related expenses. These expenses are now embedded in the three different court budgets and would be removed from these budgets. After discussion the council agreed that as long as the move did not negatively affect the General Fund the move would be acceptable. Sam Perkins, LaGrange County Sheriff Maintenance person, presented a request for the purchase of two new compressors for the jail air conditioning system. It was discovered a few weeks ago during the warm March weather, that the primary compressor was no longer working and the secondary compressor, which was repaired two years ago, was only working at fifty percent efficiency. After discussion and analyzing the three quotes for both new and rebuilt compressors, the council told the sheriff department to move ahead with the replacement from the low bidder of two new compressors for the amount of $59,636. Sheriff Martin also reported that they have contracted Canteen Services to take over the food service at the LaGrange County Jail on May 1, 2012. He expects to have a savings of $50k-$70k in the food service jail budget. He also reported that Lakeland School Corporation has entered into a three year contract to put the School Resource Officer on as a full-time employee. The Commissioners reported that there will be a joint Council/Commissioner meeting on April 23, 2012 to determine what major projects needing to be funded will be done in 2012 and where the funding will come from. It was also reported that the Commissioners will be accepting quotes for the burial of all of the concrete from buildings that were burned at the Lambright property. Commissioner Larry Miller reported that the transfer of the LaGrange County Animal Shelter to the ARK Animal Rescue Sanctuary took place on April 1, 2012. There was a report from those who attended the Association of Indiana County’s regional meeting held in Fort Wayne. The item of most concern was the new 911 bill that was adopted in this year’s session. One of the major pieces of this bill established a $.90 per land line, cell phone, and tracphone per month fee. This replaces the present $2.20 land line, $.50 cell phone, and $.25 tracphone fees. There is a concern that the new fees will be unable to generate enough to fund the county 911 expenses. If it doesn’t, the county will need to use the General Fund. The Council approved the transfers within department accounts, a salary ordinance for a part time ICE student, the Legal Claims and the March meeting minutes. As always, we will try to be good stewards of your tax dollars. Can You Bite Into An Apple? Stabilize Your Dentures Instantly! In one short visit you can stabilize your loose, uncomfortable dentures at an affordable price. Throw away your messy denture adhesives. With mini dental implants you will enjoy comfort and confidence again. Why wait? Turn your dreams of a more comfortable and att ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????)??????????????() ???????????)I??????0?????????L??@? ?(???M?????????M????)1???????%8??????(???????????)?????? ?Q???!??????Q?????? ?5??`??()?????? ?Q???!??????Q?????? ?5??`??((0