I was reminded about distractions
the other day as our new puppy was
taken out to do her duties.
The spring air was fresh and she
frolicked around like she’s never seen
the sun in her life. While she was
on her way to do her duties, she got
distracted by a butterfly. She chased it
wherever it went and forgot all about
the urgent needs that compelled her to
go outside in the first place.
About a week before, the same
puppy was distracted by a bird that
swooped down on top of her. She followed that thing to a place she’d never
gone before ... the road. Yep, she went
right across the road where big semis
go whizzing past. It could have been a
deadly distraction.
As I’ve watched our innocent little
dog in these moments, I’ve been reminded how easily we get distracted by
things so seemingly harmless. Just like
birds and butterflies, attractive things
can take our eyes and focus off the
important things of life. How easy it is
for us to chase after those distractions
with such fervor that our sensibility to
danger goes right out the window.
I’d like to think I’m a butterfly
chaser, enjoying life as I experience it
by Brenda Yoder, MA,
Counselor & Education Consultant for Elijah Haven Crisis Intervention Center
around me, just like our little canine
beautiful butterflies can be a potenon a bright spring day. But a butterfly- tially harmful distraction.
chaser can follow something beautiful
right into the face of danger.
Protecting ourselves from harmful
distractions is important. Just like a
puppy needs to be restrained by a fence
or a leash, we need to be intentional
about being “held fast” to important
things. What are the important values
in your life you need to keep yourself
‘tied to’ so you won’t be distracted from
At the Topeka Townwide Yard Sales
harmful things? For many of us, faith,
Selling at several garage sales in town, across
from Westview Elementary School & in front of
friends, and family are some of those
Topeka Do It Best Hardware on Friday only. Look
values. Self-care is also important. We
for signs in town as you do your shopping. Sales
can enter unhealthy, harmful relationwill start at 7am and last until supplies are gone.
ships because someone charms us,
All proceedes will go to Topeka Happy
just like a cute butterfly, and yet they
disrespect us and lead us into dangerWorkers & Mini Helpers 4-H club
ous situations.
to use towards community service projects and
club operating expenses. Please come out, buy
This past month, Elijah Haven
a dozen donuts and help support the youth in
Crisis Intervention Center sponsored
our community through your contribution.
a drama, The Outrage, at three county
high schools on teen dating violence.
A community production will be held
May 3, 7 pm, at the First Church of
God in Lagrange. We invite the public
to join us in being intentional about
not letting our teens be distracted by
harmful relationships. If you can’t attend, discuss with your teens that even
Rise’ n Roll
Donut Fundraiser
May 11 & 12
$9 a Dozen • $1 Each
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The Hometown Treasure · May ‘12 · pg 19
The Hometown Treasure · May ‘12 · pg 19