The Hometown Treasure May 2012 | Page 19

Word Search M C O M B I N A T I O N Y A D O T S E H T O L C G J Y W O R D S K O O L A A F U E R T E T B P I R J R H E N G L I S H T G K O G E B E S F C R E I N D L L S I T U A R A R B U O P E P M U R S A T A M W L V I O E E L A S P A N I S H L N E S L R X Y K K M E A N G F Y E U E N L E A R N I N G (find all the underlined words) by Melissa Byler Left-Over Letters Spell Out A Message From Melissa! Enter remaining letters starting at the top and going left to right. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ _ Each day I am learning more words in Spanish. The students that I am helping learn English are helping me with obscure Span- Solution on page 25 Sponsored by Dale Fry • Licensed & Insured • Cell: 260-336-9364 Puzzled on how to get all your Handyman chores done? Call Dale. He’s the Right Man for the Job! Find The Lost Coin The “Find The Lost Coin” sponsor for April was Maple Lane Bike Shop on page 20. Our two winners, Rosie Hostetler of US 20, LaGrange and Irene Schucker of 300S, Shipshewana, each won a $25 gift certificate to Maple Lane Bike Shop! Congratulations to each of you! To enter this month’s drawing, find the gold coin in an ad, as shown here, then take your entry to the sponsoring business. You may mail the postcard to the business, but if you do present it in person, you will have a double chance of winning one of the prizes! The first prize will be drawn only from the entries that were presented in person. The second drawing will be with all entries that were received, both in person and those mailed in. Use a postcard (or index card) if at all possible. Put, “I found the gold coin in your ad!”, on it, as well as your name and address. Entries need to be turned in by Friday, May 18. Scent chips Camille Beckman Custom scents Shower gel Fairy dust Lotions Cologne Fragrances Aromatherapy Oils Tyler candles Jewelry Badger Use the words listed to fill in the spaces! ! ish words and concepts! For example: “gargle” is ‘gargaras’. It even looks similar to the English word! I learned some fun phrases today in class, too. One is, “Combinación de caja fuerte.” Literally, it means, “combination of strong box”. The better translation is, “combination of a lock box” as in a bank! It is used when you wear clothes that clash quite horribly (plaid shirt with polka dot pants). They say it to mean that only you know the secret to the combination of your outfit just like only one person knows the combination to the safe in a bank! Clueless Crossword Solution to Clueless Crossword is on page 26 Bring this puzzle for 20% Off 459 S Van Buren (SR 5) • Shipshewana, IN In Yoder’s Red Barn Shoppes 260.768.7799 • your next purchase Expires May 31, 2012 The Hometown Treasure · May ‘12 · pg 17