Westview Elementary
In December, fifth and sixth graders competed in the preliminary round
of the 2013 National Geographic Bee
at Westview Elementary School. The
written test consisted of 50 questions
on geography around the world. The
top ten scorers then advanced to the
Final Competition Round.
The Final Competition Qualifiers
were: Kent Yoder, Elijah Hales, Michael Miller, Markus Miller, Logan Galbreath, Jack McCoy, Bailey Hostetler,
Carter Giggy, Grace Miller and Derek
Principal, Juli Leeper and Bee Coordinator, Ronda Hostetler, conducted
the Bee in the school’s Media Center
on Wednesday, January 9. This Final
competition consisted of a Final Round
and Championship Round. Final
Round questions were asked for six
rounds until the number of contes-
pg 8 · The Hometown Treasure · February ‘13
Geography Bee
tants was reduced to two. The
two finalists then competed
in the Championship Round.
Winners are determined on the
most correct answers in a three
question round.
Markus Miller, son of Neil
and Jasmin Miller, Wolcottville
prevailed and was declared
champion. Markus is a sixth
grader in Miss Bridgett LeWallen’s classroom. Markus will
advance to the next level of
the National Competition by
taking a written qualifier test.
The state’s top 100 scores will
advance to the State Level Competition in March.
Elijah Hales, son of Ross
and Candance Hales of Cromwell, was Elijah Hales (left) and Markus Miller.
Photo Submitted
the school’s runner-up. Elijah is a sixth
grader in Mr. Travis Davis’s class.