Sports Scoop ... cont. from previous
the Warriors haven’t lost a North East
Corner Conference tournament.
get married and have children one day.
“At Westview, basketball is a
Through four years of high school, big deal. When you go out and play
one picks up knowledge they would like at home in front of 3,000 and some
to share to the underclassmen. “Don’t
people, it is an awesome feeling that
procrastinate too much and have fun,” many don’t get to have,” said Yoder.
said Whitaker. “Also, don’t care too
Brant also participates in other
much about what other people think
sports as well. This spring he will
about you and be yourself.”
be on the varsity baseball squad for
Senior Spotlight
his fourth year in a row and he even
Brant Yoder
played soccer his first two years in high
Westview basketball is viewed
upon as more than “just a game” in
Through all of his time playing
this area
sports, Yoder has learned a great deal
and Brant about teamwork. “You can’t do anyYoder has thing by yourself. You need to have
sure left
great teammates and you need to be a
his mark
great teammate in order to have a great
in the
Yoder has been a part of many
great teams here at Westview includHe has
ing last year’s baseball and basketball
made the teams. The Warriors were two wins
away from going to the state champisquad every year in his career and since onship game in basketball last year and
he became a starter as a sophomore,
one win away from going to the state
Bring your
sweetheart to Emma