Sports Scoop
By Luke Pamer
Senior Spotlight
Sabrina Whitaker
“It’s a top secret inside joke that only
As Sabrina gets ready to move on
returning varsity volleyball playto the next step of her life she knows
she will miss high school. “I will miss
ers know and those on-coming varIf you have attended a Westview
seeing everyone and the easy going
volleyball game in the past four years, sity players get to find out,” she said.
atmosphere. I will also miss my friends
Whitaker also said that winning secI’m sure you’ve seen Sabrina Whitationals in track and having a fire truck and all of our good times.” Howker towering above the net, spiking a
and police escort was a great memory.
ever, high school is just a step for her.
ball down out of her opponents reach.
Whitaker has some big plans ahead.
Sabrina also has many outside
She has
“I don’t have anything set in stone
of school and sports activities. She is
a lot of her involved with the LaGrange horse and but my number one option is Grace
pony club in 4H. She has been part of
College in Warsaw and I could do both
time to
volleyball and track. Although I hear
Westview the club for ten years. Whitaker also
that it is very stressful and time conloves all the times hanging out with
suming to do two sports in college so
her friends.
and she
I’m not sure what I’ll do, and I have no
Whitaker has also had fun in
will be
idea what I want to major in yet,” she
school during her time at Westview.
out on the “My favorite class… it is a tie between
After college Whitaker has an
Mrs. Martin’s ceramics class and both
court for
ambitious dream of living somewhere
seasons to come. Whitaker will also be Mr. Pippenger and Mr. Neely’s P.E.
tropical and giving horse-back tours
Also, even though the subjects they
participating in track this spring for
on the beach. She also wouldn’t mind
teach aren’t my favorite, I’ve enjoyed
her third year. She would have been
scuba diving and searching for sunken
Mr. Cook and Mr. Glassman as teachinvolved last season but she was in
ships on the side. She would also like to
ers too.”
Nigeria for her junior campaign.
continued on next page
Her main focus during her high
school career has been volleyball. “I
just really enjoy the sport in general. I
love the closeness of the team and the
people on my team,” said Whitaker. The
team aspect of high school sports is
what she has loved most about playing.
“My teammates were awesome. They
were always encouraging and pushing
me to do better. We never held grudges
about ‘losing the game point’ and never
thought twice about passing to someBattery candles with
one that may have messed up the time
timers & much more to
Whitaker also gives a lot of credit
decorate your home.
to her coach, Heidi Brohm. “Obviously
she has made our general fundamental
drills and things improve but she also
spent a lot of time outside of practice
Winter Hours
looking up and learning new drills
10 - 5 Mon. - Fri. • Sat. 9-5
and activities to help us became better
players and a better team. She also was
just a fun coach that had a good balance of being fun and serious.”
Whitaker has had a lot of good
times playing sports in high school but
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her favorite memory can be summed
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up in three words; “Weaving the net.”
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