Westview Elementary
Students Compete In Bees
Spelling Bee
The Spelling Bee competition at
Westview Elementary began in December as fifth and sixth graders participated in a preliminary round written
test. Thirty-six students qualified to
advance to the Spelling Bee.
The Spelling Bee took place on
Monday, January 9th in the Westview
Jr.-Sr. High School Wilson Auditorium
where 33 5th and 6th graders met and
Morgan Kelly, daughter of Marci
and John Kelly of Topeka, was declared
champion. Morgan is a sixth grader in
Mrs. Betsy Alwine’s classroom. Morgan’s winning words were “popularity”
and “desperado”. Morgan will advance
to the LaGrange County Spelling Bee
to be held Wednesday, February 8 at
4:15 in the Westview Jr-Sr High School
Kaitlyn Chupp, daughter of Duane
and Marlene Chupp of Shipshewana,
was the runner-up. Chupp is also a
sixth grader from Mr. Travis Davis’
classroom. The word “anchovy” took
Kaitlyn out of the competition.
Geography Bee
In November, sixty-two fifth and
sixth graders competed in the preliminary round of the 2011/2012 National
Geographic Bee at Westview Elementary School. The written test consisted
of 50 questions on geography around
the world. The top ten scorers then
advanced to the Final Competition
Principal, Julie Leeper, and Bee
Coordinator, Ronda Hostetler, conducted the Bee in the school’s Media
Center. The Final Competition consisted of Final Round and Championship Round. Final Round questions
were asked for five rounds until the
number of contestants was reduced
Spelling Bee winner Morgan Kelly is on the left and runner-up Kaitlyn Chupp
is on the right
Photos Submitted
to two. The two finalists then competed in the Championship Round.
Those contestants were Richmond
Stoltzfus and Kent Yoder. Richmond
and Kent answered three questions in
the Championship Round which came
out with a tie, we then proceeded to
the Tie-Breaker round of questions to
determine our winner.
Kent Yoder, son of Ron and Brenda
Yoder, Shipshewana pre f??VB?@?v2FV6?&VB6???????V?B?2f?gF??w&FW"???'2?7W??R6?VWN( ?26?77&????V?Bv???Gf?6RF?F?R?W?B?WfV??`?F?R?F????6??WF?F???'?F???r?w&?GFV?V?f?W"FW7B?F?R7FF^( ?2F? ?66?&W'2v???Gf?6RF?F?R7FFP??WfV?6??WF?F??????&6???&?6????B7F??G?gW2?6???b?????b?V?F?7F??G?gW2?6??6?Wv??v0?FV6?&VBF?R66????( ?2'V??W"?W?&?6????B?26??F?w&FW"???'2?&WG7???v??^( ?26?72?vV?w&??&VRv???W"?V?B??FW"?2??F?R&?v?B?B'V??W"?W&?6????@?7F??G?gW2?2??F?R&?v?B??F?R???WF?v?G&V7W&R+rfV"?( ?"+rr#0??