The History of the Society 1963 - 2023 | Page 5

1997 The first two regional groups ( Scotland and North West England ) were set up . The Continuing Professional Development Scheme began . SRP gets its own email address .
1998 SRP is affiliated to the International Radiation Protection Association ( IRPA ) as the UK Associate Society . The SRP website is launched . Public Information Committee established .
1999 The sixth International Symposium was held ( Southport ) and co-sponsored by the French , German-Swiss and Netherlands societies .
2000 RPA 2000 was set up by the Society in conjunction with collaborating societies ; it was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee to assess the competence of radiation protection advisers .
2002 The Code of Conduct was approved via a ballot of the membership .
2003 The 40th anniversary was celebrated at St Catherine ' s College , Oxford . The Society set up sectoral committees to cover different aspects and sectors of radiation protection .
2005 The AGMs of the Society and the Institute of Radiation Protection agreed to proposals for a merger and IRP was incorporated into SRP on 28 March 2006 . The seventh International Symposium was held ( Cardiff ) and co-sponsored by the Spanish society .
2007 The Royal Charter was granted on 10 December 2007 . SRP hosts the annual meeting of Presidents of European IRPA societies ( Glasgow ).
2008 SRP was registered as a charity ( No . 1122804 ) on 15 February . Membership passes 1500 .
2009 5-year Strategic Plans introduced . 2010 The Rising Generations Group was established .
2011 Inaugural Dunster Lecture given . SRP hosts the annual meeting of Presidents of European IRPA societies ( London ). SRP HQ is now at Dartington Hall , Devon .
2012 SRP hosts IRPA13 - the 13th Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association in Glasgow on 14-18 May . On 16 May SRP organises its first schools event . SRP Weekly e-newsletter launched .
2013 The 50th anniversary was celebrated at Harrogate International Conference Centre . The President ' s term of office increases from one to two years . YPA Competition launched .
2014 Annual Conference is extended to 3 days . 2016 Lord Carlile of Berriew CBE QC appointed as SRP ' s first Patron . 2017 Newsletter replaced completely by the SRP Weekly e-newsletter . 2018 SRP hosts event at The House of Lords for MPs ( 31 January ).
2019 Radiation Protection Council established . SRP restructures into four Directorates .
2020 First Webinar held .
2021 SRP launches its magazine ' Radiation Protection Today '. Annual Directory of Affiliated Organisations launched .
2022 JRP moves completely online . 2023 The 60th anniversary is celebrated in Aberdeen .