The Hammonton Gazette 11/20/19 Edition | Page 4

Stockton speaker on WWII Vet grandfather Wednesday, November 20, 2019 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3 by Joseph F. Berenato G azette S taff W riter HaMMONtON—Gina Maguire gave a presentation on November 13 at Stockton Univer- sity’s Kramer Hall, 30 front St., as part of the “Second Wednes- days” program presented by Stockton Center on Successful aging (SCOSa). Maguire’s presentation, “it was fate,” focused on Maguire’s grandfather, Nick Venturella, a World War ii veteran who helped liberate a concentration camp dur- ing his time in the military. During his last years, Venturella shared his past with Maguire—an ad- junct Professor of Gerontology at Stockton University—who com- piled his stories, photos and letters into a memoir During Venturella’s last years, he shared his past with Maguire, and entrusted her with his photos, souvenirs and letters. Maguire compiled these materials into a memoir entitled It Was Fate: A War, A Massacre, A Romance. it was during a period when Venturella was living with Maguire that the seeds for the memoir were planted. “i spent a lot of time talking to him about our family, just learning about life in general. then i got him starting to talk about World War ii, which was not easy, and not something he had ever done before,” Maguire said. Venturella joined the army, and was shipped with his unit into the european theater, landing in france in September of 1944, just three months after the invasion of Normandy. “He said that when they landed on the beach, they were wonder- ing what kind of funny sand did they have in france; it’s red and thick. then he realized that wasn’t sand; that was blood,” Maguire said. While Venturella described most of his time during World War ii as not being especially harrow- ing, there was one event that stuck with him: his time in Gardelegen, Germany, site of the Gardelegen massacre of april 13, 1945. “the Nazis emptied the Mittel- Now carrying Blush by Hayley Paige and Maggie Sottero We carry gorgeous dresses by: One Sindoni Lane, Suite C, Hammonton (609) 270-7886 • Hayley Paige, Maggie Sottero Casablanca, Mori Lee, and so much more! Black Friday and Small Business Saturday SAVINGS BLOWOUT 70% Off Jewelry Showcase Two Days Only Friday, November 29 Saturday, November 30 Expert In-Store Services: Repairs, Resetting, Resizing, Cleaning & Timepiece Maintenance Also, shop an extensive selection of beautiful and unique certified diamond engagement rings! 121 S. White Horse Pike Across from McDonald’s *Prior sales excluded. Jewelry showcase only. Hammonton • (609) 561-6222 bau-Dora Concentration Camp, and marched the prisoners ... when they realized the americans were right behind them, they started shooting people. then they realized that wasn’t effective, so they marched a little over 1,000 prisoners into a barn on a private estate. they doused the entire barn with gasoline—it’s horrid, absolutely horrid—they block- aded the doors with rifles so that if you pushed it they would shoot, and they lit it up, and then the S.S. officers took off,” Maguire said. Venturella’s unit was nearby, and saw the dead prisoners along the road. they found one who was still alive and were able to save him. “His group is considered a con- centration camp liberator, because they liberated and had someone live,” Maguire said. Venturella and his unit removed all of the bodies from the barn and laid them out, and then went and got everyone from the surround- ing area to come and see all of the victims so that they knew exactly what transpired in the farmhouse. then, with their help, the unit buried each victim in separate graves. “that was the hardest part of the war for him,” Maguire said. according to Maguire, Ven- turella never gave a thought as to the heroism of his actions. THG/Joseph F. Berenato. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940. Gina Maguire gave a presentation at Stockton University’s Kramer Hall on her grandfather and his time in World War II. “there was a war. People were being harmed. You go to help them. it is what it is. He had no clue that he was a hero,” Maguire said. SCOSa’s next presentation at Stockton University’s Kramer Hall will be “it Was fate,” pre- sented by Gina Maguire, on No- vember 13 at 1 p.m. to register, call (609) 626-3837. DiMeglio Septic , Est. 1975 ~ DEP 03261 ~ Paul DiMeglio Inc. 1 (800) 427-4617 ~ 561-1007 ~ 561-3597 491 White Horse Pike • Ancora, NJ • Grease Trap Cleaning • Portable Toilets • Septic Certifications • Jetting Service